Page 43 of Gabbriello Deluca

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“I want the fucking truth; I know Samantha came here. Why?” Gabbriello asked, as he stared directly at Big D.

Big D sat back in his chair. “Oh, this shit again.” Big D rolled his eyes as he lit his cigar. “Yes, the little bitch came and saw me. So what?”

Gabbriello could see the anger on Layla’s face. He cut his eye at her and slightly shook his head to keep her calm.

Gabbriello directed his attention back to Big D. “Why was she here?!” Gabbriello asked. he was quickly losing patience with the entire situation. But he needed to know who was working with Big D.

Big D laughed, showing his crooked yellow teeth. “Don’t worry, Gabe. It didn’t concern you.”

“When you kill one of my employees, it does concern me, and I take it personally.” Gabbriello felt the cold metal of a gun barrel press against the back of his skull.

Layla looked over to see Nicholas with his gun drawn and pointing at Gabbriello and swung both her guns towards Nicholas. “What the fuck?”

“I knew you were a bitch ass traitor,” Rinaldo yelled as he pointed both his guns at Nicholas. “See Gabe, I told you it was him,”

“Don’t shoot,” Don’t shoot him, Gabbriello commanded as he slowly put his hands in the air. He knew Nicholas and Big D were going to die tonight, but he needed to know why. Gabbriello kept his eyes on Big D. “He’s working for you, isn’t he?”

Neither of them said a word as Nicholas lowered his gun and Mr. E. snatched it from Nicholas’ hand while keeping a gun pointed at his head.

“Wait,” Layla said, confused. “What’s going on?”

“When I came here the night Samantha disappeared, Big D said that someone was betraying me. I could tell he was telling the truth, so I needed to find out who,” Gabbriello said as he lowered his hands. “Jeffrey said that they had a fight because he thought she was cheating on him, and Rinaldo reminded me of all the internal shit that was going on and it had to be an inside person, but I didn’t know who until recently.”

“What?! No, she couldn’t have been cheating on him. Sam wouldn’t do that.” Layla said, as she had her guns trained on Nicholas.

Gabbriello looked at her. “I’m sorry, Layla, she was. I suspected it was Nicholas she was fucking, but I had to be sure.”

Gabbriello turned to face Nicholas. “There were only three people who knew I was going to breakfast with Layla. I knew Mariano or Jeffery wouldn’t betray me, so sadly, that left you. You told Big D where I would be, and he sent his men to kill me. But you knew if they didn’t kill me, I would retaliate, the problem for you was, you didn’t know when and you didn’t have time to call Big D to warn him tonight, did you?” he paused as he looked at him. “Why, Nick? Why the fuck, after all we’ve been through?” Gabbriello yelled as he grabbed Nicholas’ throat.

“I should have been head of the family. You didn’t even want it until Miranda died. I was in charge. I was the one who gave your father everything and he gave it to you. All because you showed some interest. You stole my life.”

Rinaldo put his gun to Nicholas’ head. “You were never going to be the boss,” he sneered as he pressed the barrel of the gun into his head.

Gabbriello shook his head and Rinaldo backed away.

Nicolas choked out his words as he looked over at Jeffery. “Yes, I wanted Samantha and we hooked up a few times while she was dating Jeffrey, but she still chose him over me. She overheard shit she shouldn’t have heard. I wanted to get rid of your pussy ass,” Nicholas said as he looked at Jeffery.

Gabbriello tightened his grip around Nicholas’ neck as he gasped for air as he tried to continue.

“She came to Big D to beg for Jefferey’s life. I knew I had to get rid of her. I knew she would eventually tell Jeffery and he would tell you.” Nicholas said, as he tried to loosen Gabbriello’s grip around his neck. “She made her choice and she paid for it with her life. I dumped her body in the dumpster.” Nicholas said, as he sneered at Gabbriello.

“You son of a bitch!” Jeffrey yelled as he lunged at Nicholas.

Mariano held him back. “Stop,” Mariano whispered. “It’s not your place to get revenge. Not here. We have to let Gabbriello decide what to do with him. You know how it works.”

Jeffrey’s eyes filled with tears as he yanked away from Mariano and backed up.

Layla tried to hold back her tears as she moved closer with both her guns pointed at Nicholas. “Why the fuck would you waterboard her?”

He looked Layla in the eye. “Because I needed to know who else she talked to, and she needed to be taught a lesson.” Nicholas choked through his words as he tried to gasp for air.

“Don’t Layla, he will pay. Trust me,” Gabbriello said as he saw her hand tighten around her gun.

“If we’re done with your family spat, you can all leave my office now.” Big D said through a tightened jaw as he focused his attention on Gabbriello.

Gabbriello nodded at Mr. E. as he released Nicholas and turned to face Big D.

Nicholas fell to the floor as he held his neck and gasped for air.
