Page 6 of Gabbriello Deluca

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“Get them down here now.”

All the women came down the stairs. They were instructed to bring all their belonging because they were leaving for good. Some had suitcases, some had bags, while other cared their close in their hand.

Gabbriello looked at all the women. “There is a van outside waiting for all of you. The woman in the van is Vicki, and she will help you all start a new life. If I see any of you back here again, I will kill you myself. Do you understand?”

The women all nodded.

“Good.” Gabbriello turned to one of his men. “Where's the money?”

One of his men held up two duffel bags full of money. “There’s enough money for you all to get a fresh start.” He glared at the women. He wanted them to know he was serious. “Never come back here again. Do you all understand?”

Most women nodded, but a few thanked him as his men escorted them out the door.

“Are you ready to do this?” Gabbriello asked Rinaldo.

Rinaldo nodded as they walked into the dining room. They stood in front of Ego jr., Kirill and Fedor. The look of surprise turned to fear. All the men were on their knees with the hands and feet bound behind them. Their father, Igor Sr. was tied up on the end.

Gabbriello stood in front of their father. “Mr. Barinov, we haven’t met before. My name is Gabbriello Deluca.”

His eyes darted at his sons, so he figured his son told him about their run in.

“A few weeks back, we had a confrontation with your sons. Now, they should have walked away, but they didn’t. Instead, they shot up our car. Unfortunately, Rinaldo’s brother and my best friend didn’t make it.” Gabbriello eyed all the men that were all on their knees and tied up. “Now our family couldn’t let that shit go unchecked. Your sons killed one of our family members,” Gabbriello looked directly at Igor. “So we’ve decided to return the favor.” He looked over at Rinaldo and he was glaring at all the men. “We tried to figure out the best way to handle this situation and we,” he said as he pointed back and forth between himself, and Rinaldo. “decided that you all needed to die.”

“Please don’t do this. Take my life, but please spare my sons. I have a wife and they have a mother…,”

“Please Mr. Barinov, you know if you are begging for your life, you’re already dead. I hope that you have provisions in place for your wife, because after tonight she will be a widow with no sons.” Gabbriello looked at all of them. “We didn’t come to our decision lightly, but we need everyone to know what happens when you fuck with a Deluca.”

“Please…,” Fedor whimpered.

“Please what?” Gabbriello asked as he gripped his face and leaned over so that they were eye to eye. “I asked you if you knew who I was that night and you said yes. You should have walked away.” Gabbriello released his face and nodded.

One of his men brought over a large body bag into the room and placed it in front of the men. The man unzipped the bag to reveal Pavel’s body cut up into several pieces. Mr. Barinov cried out as one brother vomited.

“I needed you to see first-hand the type of savagery you unleashed when you fucked with us. Now, none of you will live to tell the story, but you all can discuss in hell how badly you fucked up.”

“You can’t get away with this! You’re going to pay,” Kirill yelled.

Gabbriello looked over at one of his men. The man took a canister filled with gasoline and doused all four men with the flammable liquid.

“Don’t do this,” Igor pleaded.

Gabbriello ignored his pleas said as he pulled a gun and handed it to Rinaldo. “This was Carmine’s.”

Rinaldo took the gun and stood in front of the first man. “This is for my brother Carmine.” he said as he shot the first man in both his kneecaps. He moved to the next man. “This is for my mother’s broken heart.” He shot the second man the same way. “This is for the family brother will never have,” Rinaldo said as he shot the third man in the same manner. “And finally,” he said as he stood in front of Igor Sr. “This is for the peace that will come to my father knowing that the mutherfuckers who killed his oldest son are no longer among the living.”

Igor Barinov cried out as the bullets penetrated his knees.

The sounds of the wailing men were almost deafening. Gabbriello nodded to one of his men and he took out a semi-automatic gun and shot each man on their elbows.

Gabbriello walked behind the men and cut the ties that bound their arms and legs.

The men fell flat onto the floor as they screamed in pain.

Gabbriello and all his men backed out of the room and stood the hall. “If you can get out of this house, then I guess you’re destined to live.”

Rinaldo lit a pack of matches and threw it in the dining room.

They watched the men go up in flames while squirming on the floor as they screamed.
