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“No, but I haven’t come across anything that gives further proof that they committed the crimes either.”

“Other than the photos being in a box in my grandmother’s name.”

“That’s just one piece of proof without any context,” Blaze said.

I let out a growl of frustration and raised my head. “I feel like there’s nothing I can do. If I knew who’d done it, I could go destroy them and make sure they never hurt anyone again. But I have no idea and no way to figure it out. And more kids could be dying right now because I can’t.”

“You’re doing your best,” Blaze said, but his reassurance bounced right off me.

Talon turned me toward him. He tugged my hands away from my face and fixed me with his impenetrable gaze. “You’re stronger than this, Dess,” he said. “Stronger than those fears. Stronger than the asshole who killed those children. If you need help remembering that, come at me. I know you could take me if you really tried.”

I stared at him. “Hurting you isn’t going to prove anything.”

The corner of his mouth curled up with a hint of a smile. “You won’t hurt me. I’m made of pretty tough stuff. But I think you need a reminder of just how much you can tackle. Now come on. Don’t tell me you’re afraid of a little sparring all of a sudden.”

I made a face at him, and he pinned me with those coolblue eyes that would have sent anyone else running. Instead, they brought a warmth flaring up inside me. “Let’s see all that power you’ve got in you,” he taunted.

A surge of defiance raced through me, and I swung a fist at his shoulder. Talon dodged and tapped my side with his knuckles. He didn’t hit hard—it was a dare to fully commit to the fight.

My competitive nature rushed to the surface. It felt good to focus on this, to feel the power he’d talked about. I sank into that sensation and came at Talon with twice as much determination as before.

We bobbed and circled each other, exchanging blows, our breaths roughening as our movements sped up trying to catch the other off-guard. I almost forgot about Blaze until another fist rapped against my shoulder blade.

I spun around and shoved the hacker down on the sofa, pinning him there before I’d fully processed what had happened. He just grinned up at me, not a hint of worry in his bright eyes.

“What are you doing?” I demanded. Talon loomed behind me.

Blaze tipped his head to the side with a slyly innocent expression. “I figured if you feel better beating up on one of us, two would be even better. Although…” He shifted his position beneath me where I’d straddled him with one hand to his throat and the other on his chest, and I was abruptly aware of his erection brushing my sex. Heat had pooled there without my realizing it. “Now I can think of other ways you can dominate us that might be even more fun.”

A tingle of desire passed through me, but at the same time something in me balked. “I don’t think I should be having fun right now.”

Blaze reached up to place his hand over mine where it still loosely held his throat. “Don’t think of it as fun, then. Think of it as showing your strength and remembering who you are. You’re having trouble even thinking clearly—you need a break. More than that, you need to believe in yourself, and I know that you do when we’re together.”

I raised my eyebrows “You’re awfully confident that you can make me feel that way.”

Blaze chuckled. “I don’t think anyone can make you feel that way. But I know that you can make yourself feel strong if you’re in control of both of us.”

In control of both of them. The thought provoked an eager quiver despite my initial doubts.

I glanced back at Talon still braced behind me. Handling all the guys the other night had been a rush, one that sent a heady flush through me just at the memory.

Maybe this was what I needed—a reminder that I wasn’t as weak and powerless as I felt. I’d ordered Blaze around before, but with Talon I’d only encouraged his own aggression. What would it be like to take control over a man that domineering? To have both of them totally under my sway?

The thrill that came with the idea made up my mind for me. Before I could second-guess the impulse, I leaned back to grab Talon’s bicep. With a heave, I yanked him down on the sofa next to Blaze. Then I adjusted my position so I straddled one of each of their thighs, my knees sinking between their legs.

“Stay still,” I ordered both of them, with a push of their chests toward the back of the sofa. Then I gripped the front of Blaze’s shirt and captured his mouth.

He kept his hands to himself, but he kissed me back with all the passion I knew he was capable of. I finished with a flick of my tongue over his and turned straight to Talon, who was watching me with smoldering eyes.

First I buried my face against his neck, taking in the masculine scent of him and grazing my teeth against his skin in a way that made his hips jerk toward me. “I said ‘stay still,’” I murmured, and raised my head to nip his earlobe. “You’ve done a good job at fucking me in the past. But this time, I’m going to show you what it’s like to be fucked by me.”

A flicker of emotion passed through Talon’s normally impassive face, lust and admiration and more that I couldn’t identify. It definitely wasn’t true that the man didn’t feel, no matter how emotionless he tended to present himself as.

I ran my fingers over his smooth scalp and dug them into the back of his neck as I pressed my lips greedily into his. He met me with just as much fervor. The unrelenting passion in the kiss had my toes curling. My hand worked its way between us and began pulling down the joggers that he wore.

He managed to pivot his hips and allowed his pants to slide down his legs at my coaxing. His boxers followed, and I traced my finger up his thigh with an intensity that felt immoral. I moved it so, so slowly that I saw his attention split between me and the finger that I trailed up his leg.

It must have been a noise from beside us that drew my attention back to Blaze. His name had never fit him more with the hunger that shone from his face. I couldn’t neglect my other lover.
