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I’d used allthe possible methods I had trying to track down the Blood Hunter’s vulnerabilities. Just one would have been enough. I’d searched government databases, news articles, and archived reports on both the normal and dark web. I even spent hours searching the cameras around the city and the club for any sighting of the Blood Hunter’s face, but the man was too fucking careful.

So I was left pacing the rug, hoping that the constant movement would give me an inkling of another idea. That was all I needed: one idea that would bring results.

This was now all-out war against the Blood Hunter. I couldn’t leave thehousewithout being recognized as a criminal, and that was all because of him. The man knew what he was doing by tearing us apart one piece at a time, and I was the only hope at finding some weak spot we could use to give him a taste of his own medicine.

I had to figure this out for all of our sakes, but most importantly for Dess’s.

I looked across the room to where she sat on the sofa, her legs crossed in one of Julius’s meditative poses. I could tell that it wasn’t working for her as her closed eyelids twitched every few seconds from the thoughts that likely whirled through her mind. After a moment, she readjusted her position… again.

She might act strong, and she could certainly put up a fight whenever one was required, but she needed help tackling this monster. Help I hadn’t been able to give her. I’d never cared about anyone as much as I did about her, and yet I couldn’t figure out a way to keep her safe. Wasn’t that the most important part of caring about someone? Keeping themalive?

A heaviness settled in my chest at the thought. It was a pretty familiar sensation these days, no matter how much I tried to suppress the feeling. Even as I walked around the room, I couldn’t summon any of my usual light spirits—my ability to get through all the challenges and keep going forward as if nothing could drag me down. Now, I felt like my feet were sticking to the floor, unable to guide me through even half of the upcoming obstacles.

If I couldn’t protect Dess from those obstacles, I’d lose her. There would be nothing any of us could do to stop it.

No new inspirations were jostling loose in my head. I was probably thinkingtoohard now, jamming up my creativity with the stress I was putting on myself. I forced my feet to stop and rubbed my forehead, my gaze settling on Dess again.

Even struggling to quiet her own thoughts, she was gorgeous. And not just because of the lovely lines of her face and the dark waves of her hair. So much strength and ferocity emanated off her. She really was the perfect woman for this crew.

For me.

A different feeling swept through me—an unexpected one that made my heart flip over. I wasn’t coming up with any new plans. She didn’t have any missions to put in motion. Why shouldn’t we milk the moment for all the enjoyment we could get out of it? There was no way of knowing when we’d have another chance…whetherwe’d have another chance. I didn’t want to spend what might be my last moments in her presence pacing and gritting my teeth.

I didn’t have to be miserable, and neither did Dess. Hell, maybe enjoying our time together would be the best way to clear both of our heads and spark an idea that would get us through this disaster.

“I can feel you staring at me,” Dess murmured, straightening her shoulders beneath her tank top.

I smiled at her. “That’s probably because I am.”

“Is there a reason for that?”

She didn’t sound irritated, only amused. I cocked my head. “I’m not allowed to stare at a beautiful woman?”

“Someone is laying it on thick.”

But finally she opened her eyes and looked over at me. She uncrossed her legs and planted her feet on the floor before her, stretching her arms to the ceiling and twisting her back with a small groan. I couldn’t bring myself to look away from the locks of dark hair that tumbled over her shoulders and across her breasts, a few small pieces getting caught down the front of her tank top.

I had no doubt that we could squeeze quite a lot of enjoyment out of whatever time we could get together.

I walked over, holding out my hand. “Come with me?”

My heart had a minor palpitation when she clasped my fingers without a single moment’s hesitation, using my weight to pull herself from the sofa. “Sure. What’s up?”

I let my lips curl into a slyer smile. “You’ll see.”

What had I ever done to deserve someone like Dess? She followed me willingly as I led her into the bedroom I’d been using here on the first floor. I’d made the bed, but not particularly well—I always got too impatient to tug all the wrinkles out of the covers. Not that it mattered right now.

I kicked the door shut behind us and didn’t give myself one moment to second-guess my decision. Gripping her hips, I shoved her backward into the nearest wall.

Dess’s gasp cut off with the force of the impact. Then I was pressing my lips against hers with an intensity that I had never used with her before.

I typically preferred a gentler seduction, gradually drawing out every possible pleasure from an interlude. But I knew that wasn’t Dess’s style. She liked a little brutality in her foreplay—in the act itself. It might not be my go-to approach, but I could deliver what would excite her the most. Knowing how much she’d appreciate it already had my dick hardening.

Dess’s lips moved against mine, a soft sound escaping her throat. I deepened the kiss, prodding her tongue with my own and molding my body to hers. Every hard and soft part of her reacted beneath me, responding to my forcefulness. I knew this was what she liked most, and I’d give it to her. I’d give her everything I could.
