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“That’s fine, if this works.” Garrison’s hands clenched around the wheel. “Hold on.”

I gripped the handle above the window with one hand, unable to stop Carter from slumping over the other two men’s laps. There hadn’t been time for seatbelts.

As Julius and Talon braced themselves, Garrison wrenched the wheel in a last-second turn into a parking garage. He blew through the security gate and zoomed up the ramp to the second floor. One of the cop cars hadn’t been able to turn in time, but the other swerved after us, hot on our trail.

Garrison simply hit the gas. When I saw where he was heading, my eyes widened. “Garrison…”

There was a boarded-up section of wall at the far end of the garage where it looked like there’d once been some kind of exit, maybe only for pedestrians onto a second-floor passage between buildings that’d been taken down. Garrison must have noticed it from the outside in his explorations of the neighborhood. He sent the car hurtling toward it at top speed. I gulped and squeezed the handle tight.

The hood screamed as we rammed into the plywood, but the boards smashed apart with the impact. For a few seconds, we were soaring through the air, nothing at all beneath the wheels.

The car hit a road below, the tires squeaking with the impact. Then they screeched as Garrison hit the gas again.

My heart was still beating so fast I half expected it to burst through my chest. I could hear the faint whistling of one of the tires starting to deflate, but Garrison didn’t let that slow him down. He sped through the streets, no cops behind us now since none of them were crazy enough to follow us in that crazy jump. Just as the flattening tire started to bump against the asphalt, he pulled off onto a side street where a few other cars were parked nearby and drove into an alley.

“Now we steal another,” he said with a rasp of ragged breath.

We all scrambled out, Julius helping me haul Carter. Talon shook his head at Garrison. “You’re one crazy son of a bitch.”

Garrison flashed him a wide smirk. “Only when I need to be. It got the cops off our tail, didn’t it?”

A hoarse laugh escaped me, but I couldn’t hold on to that humor for long. Julius glanced around with a grim expression.

“For now.”
