Page 33 of Ronan

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I give myself a mental shake, grabbing the lagers and dropping them off. Thankfully, the table is at the back of the club in a dark corner, giving me a momentary advantage of being able to take a quick look around without being seen.

I glance up to the VIP area, and I see them both––Ronan and Maxim––standing side by side at the rail, looking out over the club. Both sets of eyes are fixed on the area I’m in. I know they won’t be able to see me, but it’s unnerving, knowing they are both looking my way.

Maxim turns to Ronan to say something and they look tense. Ronan, however, his eyes never leave my section. My heart starts to race, and I can feel my temperature start to increase. I need to get a grip.

Growing my balls, I walk towards the bar, when one of the front tables calls me over. “What can I get you guys?”

“How about a lap dance, gorgeous?” I don’t have time to react before his hand grabs my ass. Swatting it away, I give him a small smile.

“Sorry, guys, we’re not that kind of club. There’s one about four blocks over that will give you what you’re looking for.”

His hand shoots out and he grabs my wrist, pulling me so hard I land in his lap. He shuffles me back so his dick is pushed up against my ass. I try to pull away and get up, but his arms grip around my waist. “What we want is right here, so how about we all head back to the bathroom and we each take a turn and fuck you in one of those fancy stalls?”

His friends laugh, moving themselves closer to me, blocking my exit. The smell of stale cigars and beer from the guy holding me is knocking my senses and making me feel queasy. I feel panic start to set in as I look up and all I see is a sea of faces closing in on me.

I bring my elbow back, slamming into the guy’s stomach. He grunts, and his grip slackens. I attempt to jump off his lap, but I’m not quick enough. “You fucking bitch. Let’s get her outside, I’m gonna teach you some manners.”

Suddenly, a fight breaks out and someone pulls me from his lap. I look up just as Ronan pushes me towards Bella and Alex. “Get her out of here,” he yells at Bella as he reaches for the guys who held me.

Bella tries to guide me towards the back office, but I pull away, looking back at the table behind us.

The O’Farrell’s and Maxim are there, dragging the guys out the front with a couple of security. Shit, that escalated quickly.

“Liv, come on, let’s go to the office.” Alex pulls my attention back to them. She smiles and guides me to the office, but I walk straight past and head to the locker room.

“Can you tell the guys I’m sorry, I never meant for anything like that to happen. I’m just going to grab my things and head home.” Pulling my things from the locker, Bella stops me, slamming it shut.

“For fuck’s sake, Liv, you were just fucking assaulted in the middle of the club, the guys will want to talk to you, and then I’m pretty sure Maxim will drive you home.” She stares at me as I shake my head at her.

“Maxim won’t be driving me home, him and I are done. And as for the guys wanting to talk to me, there’s no need. I’m sorry that it escalated into that shit show”

“What do you mean you and he are done, the guys will want to make sure you’re okay… Liv, wait, please come back…”

I don’t hear anything else, and I don’t wait around. I bolt out the back door and run down the street, jumping into one of the cabs waiting for club goers too wasted to make it to the subway.

“Midtown East, please.” The driver nods, and thankfully, doesn’t say anything else. I rest my head on the back rest and close my eyes. Every moment from the last few months plays on a loop for the entire journey. I can no longer hold it and I let the tears roll down my face.

Chapter 21


We head back into the office, thinking we’d see all the women in there, but there’s only two out of the three we were expecting.

Killian grabs Bella, kissing her, while Finn throws himself on the couch. Maxim remains at the door, leaning against the frame, then I see Connor wrap his arms around Alex, and I feel a sting of jealousy. I wanted to be able to come in here and wrap my arms around Liv, I need to make sure that she’s okay.

“Hey, gorgeous, where’s Liv?” Killian sits at his desk, pulling Bella into his lap.

“She ran out. We tried to get her to stay, said you guys would want to talk to her, but she seemed to think you would think it was her fault. We tried to tell her you’d just want to make sure she was okay, but she seemed so freaked out she just wouldn’t hear what we were saying.”

I’m about to run out the door to go find her, when Alex’s voice stops me. “We said someone would take her home, we thought it would be Maxim, but seems they split up.”

The girls look to Maxim, hoping for answers, but my brothers all stare at me. Maxim straightens, looking directly at the women and doesn’t give anything away to indicate I had a hand in it.

“Liv is incredible, but her and I, we do not belong together. However, I would have taken her home, especially after tonight.”

I don’t want to hear anymore. I push past Maxim and head out to my car. I need to go to her, I need to set my eyes on her, so I know she’s okay.

* * *
