Page 38 of Ronan

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She stops outside the lawyer’s door, pulling her hand out of mine. “I can’t do this, I can’t afford––”

“Stop, you’re not paying for this, it’s covered. I’m helping you whether you want me to or not. Stop fighting me.” I place a kiss on her forehead. Knocking on his door, I enter without waiting.

“Mr O’Farrell, Miss Hastings, please take a seat.” My lawyer, Drake Halliwell, indicates to the chairs in front of his desk. Liv barely looks at him, but I notice the way he’s looking at her, checking her out. If he’s not careful, I’m going to gouge out his fucking eyes.

I clear my throat, bringing his attention to me. I glare at him, waiting for him to back down, and he gives me a small nod. He’d be a fool not to and he knows it.

Drake is the best criminal and defence attorney in the country. Some say he’s only in charge of this law firm because it was his father’s before him, and his grandfather’s before that. Those who say that would be wrong. I’ve seen this man in action, he’s the best there is, and he’d do anything to win his case.

“Mr O’Farrell––”

I cut him off before he can continue. “This is Liv’s case, you will address her, not me.”

He swallows and nods. “Understood. Miss Hastings, I’ve already taken the liberty of looking over your case and the ruling that was made. I understand that there were claims made that you were an unfit mother, you worked too many hours, and you couldn’t afford to take care of your child. There is also a court document that stated the child’s father would have preferred his parents take care of your daughter over you––”

“What? No, that can’t be right, Dylan and his parents didn’t get along, they’d only met Maddie twice since she was born and hadn’t seen her for the last eighteen months of her life. Dylan never wanted them to take care of her. We even agreed that if something should happen to us both then Diane would become her guardian.”

Mr Halliwell gets up and grabs a glass of water, handing it to Liv. He kneels down to her level, looking her directly in her eyes. I get that he’s trying to make her feel comfortable, but I don’t like it, and neither does my demon. I can feel the rage building, and I want nothing more than to grab him by his throat and drag him away from her.

I don’t know if she senses my mood shift or if she just needs my comfort, but she reaches out, linking her fingers with mine, and my demon is instantly calmed. I feel like I can breathe again.

“Miss Hastings, I’m going to need you to talk me through the first three years of her life, but before you do, let me say this… I may not be a custody lawyer, but I am damn good at what I do, and I can guarantee you that you will get her back. Now, I’d love nothing more than to reunite you before Christmas, sadly, however, even I’m not that good. But you’ll have her back before her birthday. Along with the life insurance policy that Dylan left for you both.”

“Wait… Dylan didn’t have a life insurance policy, Mr Halliwell.”

“Oh, he did. He took it out with you as the sole benefactor not long after you and he met. When Maddie was born, he increased the policy to one million dollars, with you and her as the benefactors. Stated on that policy is that his parents are to not to have access to it, and if you were no longer alive then the policy would remain untouched until her twenty-fifth birthday.”

I watch her as she takes in the information from Drake. She looks lost and confused. I give her hand a small squeeze, bringing her back to the room. She glances at me, and I smile, encouraging her to share what he needs to know.

She takes a large drink of water and straightens in her seat. “Okay, I’ll tell you everything.”

I let out a relieved breath. This woman is amazing, and I’m so proud of her.

Chapter 24


Three hours later and I’m back in the car with Ronan. My head is pounding, and I’m exhausted from the crying.

Ronan didn’t say anything in the lawyer’s office, he just sat there holding my hand and giving me the strength to talk about my life back in Chicago. I’ll be forever grateful knowing he wants to help me, but I’ll never be able to repay him for this.

We’re still in the parking lot, a block away from the lawyer’s office. “You want to go get some lunch, sweetheart? Or do you just want to go home?” I turn to find Ronan looking at me, concern etched across his face.

I lick my lips and smile. Leaning across the car, my lips meet his, and he doesn’t hesitate as his mouth opens, giving my tongue entry. I lick along his tongue and his hands go to the back of my neck and reach down undoing the button and zipper.

He pulls away from me. “Liv, baby, we’re in a parking lot...”

“I don’t care.” I continue with the zipper, my hand slipping inside his jeans. He always goes commando, and I love it. I wrap my fist around his dick and pump up and down a few times as best as I can.

“You need to lift, I need your jeans down, please.” He lifts, his eyes never leaving mine as I slide his jeans under his ass. I kiss him again as he tries to get to the button on my jeans, but I pull away, shaking my head. I grab hold of his hands, placing them on his leg.

“No.” One word is all it takes, and he understands I don’t want that. I want him, I need to taste him. I may never be able to thank him, but I’ll make sure he knows just how fucking grateful I am.

I dip my head, my tongue shooting out and licking precum from the tip. I groan as he hisses. I love the salty and sour taste he leaves.

My tongue glides down one side of his shaft and up the other. I repeat the motion until I reach his balls, taking one in my mouth and sucking it.

“Oh fuck.” He groans as one hand slams on the steering wheel, the other gripping my hair so tight it hurts, but it only spurs me on. I take his other one in my hand and massage it before switching, so they both get the same treatment.
