Page 42 of Ronan

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She’s close… just a little more before she can have it.

Seconds later and I’ve started my onslaught again––her body is shaking, the sweat beads on every inch of it, and the tears roll down her face. “Please,” is all she manages.

I reach over to the table, grabbing my knife. I slice through the ropes holding her legs in place, freeing them, and she instinctively wraps them around me, but I grab them both, placing them over my shoulders before I slam my cock into her.

She screams as I groan at the relief of being inside of her. I use my arm to hold her legs in place while the other pushes down on her lower pelvic area, my thumb stretching to cover her nub and rubbing circles.

Her breathing is erratic, her back arches, and her muscles tense. Our bodies glisten with sweat, and I feel like I have an electric current running through my body that starts where we’re joined.

I thrust into her at a pace I didn’t know was possible, and I feel like my body will explode if I don’t get closer to her, which is ridiculous because we couldn’t get any closer, yet I still try, thrusting into her with such force I know we’ll both be sore and bruised later.

I feel the tell-tale tingle in my spine, and I can’t hold on, but I don’t need to… her hands wrap around the ropes holding her wrists in place, she screams, tears streaming down her face, and I roar, thrusting into her as I shoot every last drop of cum into her. She’s still riding out her orgasm, the intensity of it causing her to pass out a few seconds later.

I collapse on top of her, and I have to force my body to move to her side, so I don’t crush her. I lay there for a minute, letting my breathing settle before reaching down to grab my knife and cut her wrists free.

Her arms drop, and I pull her to me. She doesn’t stir––she’s out for the count.

I place a kiss on the top of her head, breathing her in, before falling asleep with her in my arms.

Chapter 26


I’m exhausted and sore.

Ronan let me sleep for a couple of hours after I literally passed out from the best orgasm I’ve ever had.

But then he woke me up for another two rounds. The sex is mind-blowing––that man really does know what he’s doing.

I freaked out when he brought the ropes up and tied my ankles to the bed, but when he asked me if I trusted him, I didn’t even need to think about it.

I think he could do just about anything to me and I’d let him.

I’m clearing behind the bar, setting out clean glasses and topping up the bottles on the back wall when I sense his eyes on me. It doesn’t matter that I can’t see him––I can feel him.

I instinctually look up to the VIP section, thinking that’s where he’ll be, but there’s nobody up there and the section is closed, which given it’s a Saturday night is pretty strange.

I look around the club, trying to work out where he is but I don’t see him. Feeling my phone vibrate in my back pocket, I pull it out to check it. I smile seeing it’s Ronan.


Stop looking for me, I see you, you don’t need to see me.


How did you know I was looking for you?


Can’t explain it, I just did. I’ll come find you before closing.

I place my phone back in my pocket just as Dan appears at my side.

“I’m glad you’re back, Liv. Not gonna lie, was a little worried when you just didn’t turn up for your last few shifts,” he states as he dumps another box of spirits on the back bench. He doesn’t give me his full attention, but I can see him watching me out of the corner of his eye.

I give him a half nod, not really sure what to say.

Dan and I finish sorting the back shelf and cleaning and clearing the bar ready for closing.
