Page 40 of Finn

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“I have a surprise for us, baby.”

I’m about to ask what, when Killian comes up behind us. “Mind if I cut in, brother, and you can go see the others?”

Finn nods at Killian then gives me a quick kiss before heading over to the others. Killian takes me in his arms as Coldplay, ‘Yellow,’plays through the speakers.

“Do you know what he has planned?” I ask, hoping he’ll tell me.

He shakes his head gives a small chuckle. “I do, but you’re going to have to wait to find out.”

I let out a laugh. I knew he wouldn’t tell me, but you can’t blame a girl for trying.

“I’m so pleased that Finn found you. He’s had a tough upbringing, one that I didn't even realise until recently. I spent years with my head buried so far in the sand that I didn’t see how tough he had it. I don’t know if he’ll ever tell you, it’s taken him his whole life to tell us, and that’s only because he let something slip and I pushed. I wish I had known sooner. I wish I had seen it. If I had then I could have done something about it…”

“Killian, he hasn't told me anything, so I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I do know that he loves you. He has so much respect for you, and the others. I don’t know what happened growing up, but I do know that whatever it is, he doesn’t hold it against you, so you shouldn’t either.”

He lets out a heavy sigh, smiling as he looks around the terrace at his family––our family. “You’ve known him two minutes… how the hell do you know him better than I do?”

I spin us so I can get a quick look at Finn, then I turn my head to look at Killian. “I definitely don’t know him any better than you do, I just have a different perspective.”

“He hasn’t told me everything, I know he hasn’t, and I don’t know how to make him tell me. I tried to talk to him after the poker night when Connor and Ronan were there too, and he was honest, but I still feel like he’s holding things back.”

I see the torment swirling in Killian’s eyes. He’s struggling with the fact that he didn’t see what was going on when they were growing up, the guilt eating away at him.

“Give him time, Killian. I’m sure he’ll tell you when he’s ready, but you have to realise that he may never be ready to tell you, or anyone, every detail.”

“I fear you’re right about that.” Killian looks over at his brothers, chatting and laughing, and I watch as his lips curve upward into a smile––a sad one. “I’m sorry, lass, this is your wedding day, it’s meant to be a happy one, and here I am bringing the mood down…”

“Killian, you shouldn’t feel guilty about something that you had no control over. You’re all really close, and I don’t believe for a moment that if he held any resentment towards any of you about his past that you would be as close as you are.”

I feel his lips curve into a smile as he places a gentle kiss on my forehead. “Finn is so lucky to have you, Cara. I’m proud to call you family.”

Before I have a chance to respond, I feel a hand on my lower back. “You done dancing with my wife? We need to go.” I turn to see Finn behind me, grinning at Killian. He looks down at me, giving me a wink.

“Where are we going?”

He ignores me as his family give us hugs, telling me to enjoy myself. When we get outside to a waiting SUV, Finn opens the door for me to get in, but I stop, placing my hand on the top of the door.

“Where are we going, Finn?”

His lips graze mine, giving me the ghost of a kiss. “Get in the car, baby, it’s a surprise.”

“Oh,” I groan. I climb into the car, sliding over to the other side as Finn slides in beside me, and I grumble, “I hate surprises.”

Chapter 26

I lean back in my chair, sipping on my glass of whiskey, feeling the burn as it glides down my throat.

My eyes focus on the wall of screens in the club office, finding her right where I left her, sitting in the VIP section chatting with André. I’m sure she’s pissed I left her up there with the others, but I needed ten minutes. We’ve been arguing nonstop since her fucking Da appeared back in her life last month. I hate that he’s back, and I have no doubt the fucker is up to something. He’s nothing but a drunk and a gambling addict.

I love my woman, but she’s so fucking naïve when it comes to him. I know she just wants her Da in her life, but every time he reappears, she forgets the hurt and the pain he causes her. Not to mention the fucking money he always takes from her.

I’ve stood back and watched him hurt her so many times, and I won’t do it again. I won’t let him hurt her. I won’t let him take her from me again.

Rage courses through me when the door to the office opens and Connor strolls in, closely followed by Ronan. I see them glance over at the monitors to see what I’m focussed on. Connor shakes his head and moves over to his desk, swiping the bottle of whiskey off me as he passes between the desks Ronan grabs two more glasses then waits until Connor fills both before taking a seat on the couch.

I roll my eyes when I realise we’re all wearing black pants and black shirts. I swear our fucking wardrobes are almost identical.

Connor turns in his chair to face me, reaching over to top up my glass. “What’s going on with you and Bells?” he asks.
