Page 40 of Say It's Me

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"What about us?" Ethan asks. I don't miss the hint of doubt in his tone. He's concerned she may not care to have a relationship with him.

"Ethan, I think it's safe to say we currently don't have any type of bond. That being said, if you truly are my brother, I want to get to know you, but you'll have to give me some time to wrap my head around all this. While you never hurt me, you did threaten me and use me, which, brother or not, those are shitty things to do to a person. I have no doubt that there is a lot to love about you, but you have to let me get there in my own time."

I could have done without the love comment, but I get it. I love my siblings. We would do anything for each other. If both my sisters didn’t live out of state, I have no doubt in my mind they would have been at the hospital. One is on holiday in Europe while the other just had her first baby. My phone was inundated with texts after I left the hospital, and I assured them I was okay and there was no need to rush home on my account. However, I know that won’t stop them. I expect both of them to be here within the next week, assurances or not. I’m their brother.

That’s how I know if Ethan is indeed Gianna’s brother, any relationship they form could ultimately garner feelings of love. That doesn't mean I'm not somewhat jealous. I've worked my ass off for this woman, and overnight, Ethan gets the type of lifelong, binding, insta-love attention I'm yearning for from her. I know we are a couple. I know she says she loves me, but I haven't had her long enough to feel secure in those words.

"I can respect that. But, know that I've always wanted a sibling. I hated being the only child, so I'm going to warn you now that I want everything. Birthdays, holidays, family vacations, and—"

I cut him off right there.

"Ethan, I'm sorry to break it to you, but I call dibs on everything on that list."

Gianna laughs out loud, and I swear it's the best sound in the world, and I can't wait to hear more of it. For her to be able to find any humor considering everything we've just been through is a miracle. I know I shouldn't be, but I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, and I want to be the one to help her pick up the pieces should she need it. I don't doubt that she's strong enough to do it on her own, but I'm hoping that in helping her, I can stitch in pieces of me.

There's a knock at the door, and Ethan flies out of his seat. Now it's my turn to laugh. I already know who it is. I have security around the entire premises, and I gave them the all-clear for my LPN when she arrived. Before I can say anything, he's heading toward the door, trying to act casual like he didn't just get freaked out by a knock. When he opens the door, an old woman comes in and immediately gasps when she sees me.

"Oh dear, you can't be sitting up like that with a wound to your abdomen. You will need to lie flat on your back for the next 24hrs minimum with your legs elevated. We need to keep the pressure off your stomach muscles and give them time to heal. Where's the bedroom? We need to get you situated."

Gianna jumps off her stool to come over and assist in helping me back to the master.

"Gianna, I can walk. I'm not an invalid."

"I know you're not, but I'd like to take care of you the same way you like to take care of me." I let her win this one because if she genuinely feels that way about me, then I win anyway.

After the nurse leaves and I've been comfortably situated in bed with meds administered, Gianna excuses herself to ensure Vivian and Ethan are good for the night. I'm not in any pain, which is good. Discomforted yes, but the main issue is I feel weak overall, which I hate. I hate feeling vulnerable, and that's precisely what I am. The nurse said she would bring some vitamin IV therapy for me to take first thing in the morning. It will speed up the replenishment of minerals and vital nutrients in my bloodstream that were depleted from the trauma my body sustained.

When Gianna returns, she comes over to the bed and asks, "Can I get you anything before I hop in the shower?" I can't help but groan in jealousy over her taking a shower. Not only do I want to join her, I desperately want to take a shower myself.

"No baby, I'm good. Go take a shower. I had your clothes moved to the closet while we were gone."

She smiles before saying, "I guess dating a possessive control freak has its perks. If you hadn't bought me those clothes, I'd be resigned to these scrubs and your t-shirts."

"Hey, my t-shirts look damn good on you." I pull her to me and gently squeeze her hip. "In fact, it would make me extremely happy if you wore one to bed tonight."

The last time she was here and wore one of my t-shirts was the hottest I've ever seen her. Seeing her dressed down with no makeup on almost brought me to my knees. I've never been around a woman who wasn't always fixing her makeup or her clothes to make sure she looked runway ready. She doesn't ever try to be anything but herself, and that's something I crave. I've never had something so real, and I want every moment she'll let me have.

Leaning down, she kisses my forehead and says, "Since you made such a convincing argument, I'll see what I can do, but no funny business tonight." She shakes her finger at me before walking off. I don't argue because I know I can't win with words, but we'll see how much of a fight she puts up once I get my hands on her.

She'sbeenintheshower for what feels like a small eternity. I feel like I've been waiting to have her since the moment I met her. Lying here staring at the ceiling, I've thought of all the things I want to say, gone over all my concerns, and thought of a response to every possible question she might ask me regarding everything that's happened over the past few days. It hasn't gone unnoticed that she hasn't once asked about her newfound windfall. I know she's never had money, so having it probably hasn't sunk in.

Technically, she doesn't have it yet, but that's only until the paperwork is changed to her name. Not only did Mario buy stock in the company, it turns out he was forty percent owner, which means she doesn't have to sell any shares to draw money. Gianna can make an owner's draw on the equity of her dad's investments at any time. Those investments would grant her a multi-million-dollar salary yearly. I know her focus right now is Elio, or at least it seems that way. Regardless, I know that I will follow her lead. Whatever she wants to discuss or not discuss is what will happen.

The bathroom door finally opens, and she walks out wearing my high school lacrosse practice t-shirt. Her hair is wet, her face is bare, and her long legs are on display.

"Baby, get in this bed right now. I swear if I have to wait for another second to touch you, I might actually die." She laughs before shutting off the bathroom light and heading to the bed.

Walking around the bed, she pulls back the covers on the opposite side before climbing under them and tucking herself into my side. With her head on my chest, I wrap my arm securely around her back and breathe her in as contentment settles over me. We lay there for long moments in silence, just breathing. When I start trailing my fingers up and down her back in a calming motion, she finally breaks the silence and says, "If you keep that up, I'll be asleep in two minutes," which makes me chuckle.

"Baby, if you want to go to sleep, we can. If you want to talk, we can do that, or we can do other things." I reach around and cup her breast through her shirt to make sure she doesn’t miss my innuendo.

"August, no way. You are in no shape for that. Besides, we should take this time to actually talk. There's a lot that needs to be said." Her voice at the end sounded unsure, and I fucking hate that.

"Gianna, look at me." When her eyes meet mine, I see the uncertainty and insecurity all over her face.

"You're fucking crazy if you think that anything that has happened changes how I feel about you. If anything, I'm more committed. I know you're dedicated to Elio, which is a lot, but we'll figure it out. We'll make it work together."

Closing her eyes, she takes a deep breath before laying her head back down on my chest. "I don't expect you to take this on. August, we are dating. We're not married. I'm not moving in here and putting this obligation on you. Your parents weren't murdered. Mine were. This is my mess. I want you to be a part of my life, but I don't expect you to take on the depth of responsibility that has now fallen into my lap. You are young. I realize that you care about me and want to help me, but burdening you with this isn't fair, and—" I cut her off right there.
