Page 11 of Frayed Trust

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He blinked. His eyelashes were too long. I wanted to hate how they fluttered, but they made him sexier. The blank gaze found mine and he searched my expression. Seconds ticked past and my skin started to prickle from the discomfort of being stared at. I twitched but he didn’t, and with a growl my patience lapsed. Giving into my strange impulse, I leaned across the bar and flicked him right in the center of the forehead with one nail.

I’d thought I would be fast enough to jump back before he could touch me, but his warm hand caught my wrist and I gasped. Tingles, all the way from the point of contact down my body. My nipples peaked, showing through the thin fabric of my black shirt, and my pussy fluttered. “What the fuck? Don’t fucking touch me,” I said snappily, my voice too high in pitch.

“You flicked me. In the forehead.”

Finally, he spoke, sounding amused. He hadn’t yet let go of me. If my skin wasn’t visibly seared when he pulled away, I would be surprised. That was what the touch felt like. Somehow the sear was pleasant, though.

“Well, you weren’t responding to fucking words.”

“You curse a lot.”

“Does that offend your delicate angel sensibilities?”

Yanking my hand back, I was surprised when he released me easily. I tried to avoid clutching my hand to my chest, not wanting him to see how affected I was. All that I could manage was tucking my hand against my side instead of to my chest. I had to keep them to myself. What had come over me? There was no realm in which it was a good idea to touch an Alpha I was attracted to this close to my heat. Even a fleeting touch.

“One of those angel haters, I see. You have nothing to fear from the AEA unless you’ve done something illegal.”

Everyone knew that wasn’t technically true. The Angelic Enforcement Agency, or AEA, had thousands of angel operatives scattered throughout the four realms. While they were supposed to enforce the laws set out by the CEO of the AEA (agreed to by leaders from the other three realms, if somewhat reluctantly), plenty of operatives went beyond. Deporting or imprisoning people for perceived slights or crimes that didn’t fall under their jurisdiction.

There was a good reason no one liked angels much.

Besides, I was in violation of at least six laws, with multiple instances of violations. The spells I used to cover up my crimes weren’t legally allowed. Neither was killing people in a location or manner where Nulls could find out. Hiding my designation wasn’t technically breaking any rules, though it was highly frowned upon and wouldn’t work in my favour if I were caught and imprisoned for my crimes.

I had plenty to fear from the AEA.

Shooting a glare in his direction, I grabbed a bottle of whiskey off the top shelf and poured a shot into a short glass over a couple pieces of ice. Then I placed it down on the counter in front of the man and held out my hand, palm up. “Fifteen dollars.”

“I didn’t order this,” he said, glancing down at the drink.

“No, you didn’t order anything. Which means that all you were doing was wasting my damn time. Pay up and go find your seat.”

He hesitated for a second, but fished out a plain brown leather wallet from his back pocket. Sliding a crisp $20 across the wood, he took the drink. “Next time, make it neat,” he said, savouring the taste of the whiskey on his tongue.

Dropping his change on the counter, I rolled my eyes. “Next time, order for yourself and don’t piss me off.”

Before our banter could continue, I was flagged down from the other end of the bar. By the time I was done pouring a slew of vodka sodas and rum and cokes for the new crowd of people, he’d vanished. And the five dollar bill I’d given him as change was sitting at the bottom of the clear glass tip jar.

Chapter 4


Forafewdays,I didn’t see either of the men again. They’d vanished at the end of the evening, never ordering another drink from me, and hadn’t reappeared.

Tonight, my luck had run out.

The incubus fae sat on a stool at my bar, smirking like he knew how much I was salivating over him. Maybe he did. It was hard to hide my desperation when I was this close to a heat. This should be my last night at work before sequestering myself away in my nest. Unfortunately, Melissa hadn’t wanted to take my shifts and I was stuck here for two nights after this. As the night wore on and I soaked through my clothes with sweat and slick, I was trying to figure out how to explain my upcoming sick days to Mattie. Because this wasn’t sustainable.

“You weren’t wearing glasses last time I saw you,” he commented, swirling the contents of his glass before taking a big sip.

My slim fingers reached up to adjust the round wire-rimmed pair, sliding them further up my nose. “I was wearing contacts,” I explained sharply.

The closer I got to a heat the more anything touching my skin irritated me. Contacts were an absolute no during a heat and once I was in the comfort of my nest, the glasses would come off too. Who needed to see things at a distance while they were in a tiny two-bedroom apartment? Not me.

“I like the glasses on you better. They’re sexy.”

“If you think glasses are sexy, there’s a pretty fae looking at you from the corner.” I pointed in her direction. He glanced over, but frowned. In her case, the glasses were likely a fashion statement. Fae rarely had vision impairments.

“I only think they’re sexy on you.”
