Page 17 of Frayed Trust

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I didn’t know how to explain, so I let the owner give his interpretation. Shan’s brows furrowed together for only a second before his impassive mask was back. It rarely slipped for long. The only time I saw him with any kind of expression was when he was balls deep inside of me. “I apologize for whatever my associate did to your bartender. He’ll be apologizing profusely the next time he sees her. If you’ll allow us back, we would appreciate it.”

Matthias looked hesitant, grip tightening on my arm for a second before he sighed and released me. Smart man. As much as I had fucked up — how, I had no idea — banning us would be a mistake. Not because I was vindictive, but because Shan was. My team leader held enough influence that he could have Matthias thrown in jail or his club shut down if he refused to comply with our investigation. He didn’t flaunt that power unless needed, though. Niceties usually worked better than threats.

“Bring her one of those rune writing fountain pens. She loves the fucking things. And that apology better be good. If it happens again, you’re done here.”

“Got it. Don’t worry, it’ll be the apology of a lifetime,” I promised.

“And then he’ll leave her the fuck alone from now on,” Shan added.

I wouldn’t, but I wasn’t about to argue with him right here in front of someone who was part of our investigation. Especially not when Shan grabbed the back of my neck in a downright bruising grip and started leading me out of the club. The pressure on the sides of my neck made me rock hard in my jeans, memories rushing back of how it felt to have Freya’s body pressed up against mine. It made me fucking starving.

By the time we got back to our rented SUV, I was panting, drool threatening to spill out the side of my mouth. Shan pushed me into the passenger seat of the car and I pressed my hands down on my crotch as if that would help my predicament. When he slid into the driver’s seat, my gaze caught on the bulge in his pants and I couldn’t look away. “Tell me what happened,” he said.

“I wanted to make sure she was OK after the incident with that guy, so I reached out and touched her. Herarm. Nothing uncouth.” I corrected myself quickly at the sight of Shan’s sharp glare. “She froze up and called her familiar, this evil little cat, and then she tried to make a break for it out the back door. I was worried about her, so I followed, but when I caught up, she fucking kissed me. Vigorously. You should have been there, Shan. Her arousal scent was so heavy it was suffocating me. And her mouth tasted…”

Shifting in my seat, I undid the button on my jeans and slid down the zipper in a bid for more room. I couldn’t come up with the words to describe her taste. It was heavenly, temptation and sin wrapped up into a single flavour. There was heat in Shan’s eyes as he glanced at my undone pants, but he looked away quickly. The car had started moving at some point, taking us to our long-term hotel on the edge of downtown, but the roads weren’t busy at this hour. His biggest worry would be a pedestrian lurching out in front of us.

“Her kiss was the most intense one I’ve ever had, but her pussycat attacked my leg and started climbing me. She got this panicked look on her face, like she hadn’t meant to do it, and made it outside and away from the club before I could shake the feline.”

Explaining out loud made it sound even more like she had been going into heat. But it wasn’t possible. The Omega Sanctuary had no record of her and there was no way a 24-year-old Omega was still alive and unbonded without their assistance. Their bodies were biologically wired to need a knot during a heat. It wasn’t common, but there had been instances of Omegas dying when they couldn’t get them — either from their heart giving out or killing themselves to escape the pain. That was without mentioning how much it would cost to obtain enough descenter to keep her identity hidden for three or more years. The potion wasn’t common, and few people had the skills, ingredients, or formula to make it. Let alone on a large scale.

“Did you use your charms on her?”

“Of course not!” Irritation lanced through me. I may be an incubus, but Shan knew better than anyone that I never incited arousal in people. At least not anyone that I planned to fuck. Making a couple lustful and feeding off their arousal from a distance was another story. And in those cases, I only enhanced the lust that was already present.

“I have to ask. I know you would never do it intentionally, but things can happen, Cas.”

“Don’t treat me like I have no control over myself.”

“If you have control over yourself, why are you grinding your hips up into the palm of your hand and staring at my cock?”

My glare faltered when I realized I’d been doing exactly that. I hadn’t even registered that my body had been moving. Not that that meant I would ever force lust on someone. I’d been more starved than this in the past and had never, not once.

Shan removed one hand from the wheel and started undoing the button on his pants, sliding them down enough that it freed his cock. A single drop of saliva landed on my leg before I took the invitation and leaned across the centre console. Lips closing over the tip, I sucked hard and let out a groan at the salty tang of his precum.

The car continued to move as Shan sat impassively beneath my ministrations. If it had been the first time I’d sucked his cock, his near silence might have bothered me. Only the occasional grunt released, his focus intense on the vehicle’s operation. This was how he was all the time, though. The man chose what he wanted to focus on and he did it, regardless of what was going on around him. It wasn’t like I was bad at giving head.

I was an incubus, for fuck’s sake. I didn’t have a gag reflex.

A ringtone trickled out through the speakers, and he reached out to answer the call. It was only Emmett, so it didn’t matter that he could hear me moaning and making wet noises around Shan’s length. “How’s the memory recovery going?” Shan barked, straight to the point.

“Not well.” Emmett’s husky voice surrounded us in the enclosed space. If I didn’t already have Shan on the brink of an orgasm, I would clamber over the centre console now to make it happen. Em didn’t enjoy sex anywhere near as much as I did, but his voice was a wet dream. So was his cock, on the glorious occasions when I got to experience him. When he’d offered to feed me the first time, I’d had to fight to avoid seeming overeager.

I let out a loud groan and bucked my hips up against my hand, which was still pressed to my bulge, my cock threatening to slip free from my jeans. I didn’t wear underwear the vast majority of the time. Shan sighed, used to my exhibitionist tendencies. “Is he…?” Emmett asked, not bothering to finish the question.

“Yes. We’ve run into some issues with the current mission, and it was a dire situation. We’ll be at the hotel in five minutes, so you have that long to give your updates. Caspian needs to be punished and fed, and I’m not sure in what order.”

That got another groan out of me and at this point I was going to come in my pants as soon as Shan released into my mouth. The flood of endorphins and energy would be too fucking much for me. “I never know whether to think Cas actually did something bad, or if this is just some kink thing between the two of you. Call me with mission updates once you handle your current situation,” he said, releasing a sigh that crackled over the line. “On my end, it’s looking bleak. Whoever messed with my memories is strong and talented. I’m lucky they didn’t steal over 24 hours’ worth of time.”

I felt the tension in Shan’s thighs and sucked harder, not sure if it was because he was close to coming or because of Em’s admission. “You must have seen something important to our serial killer. It’s the only thing that makes sense. Everything is centred around Club Chaos. We need to get you back there, see if it unlocks anything.”

“They’re almost done doing a full assessment for underlying magics. I’m not going anywhere near that damn club until I know there isn’t some death curse on me.”

“They need to hurry up.”

“The lab has other things to do, Chief. We’re not the most important team or the only mission they have to deal with.”

“I’ll make some calls.”
