Page 49 of Frayed Trust

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“Fine, we’ll do this your way, you little brat,” he grumbled.

There was a ninety per cent chance the only reason he agreed was because he wanted to watch her. Hearing about how wet she got had convinced him. “Sounds good, boss. What should I do today, then? Any leads you want me to follow up on? I told Freya I would see her at Club Chaos, but other than that, I have nothing to do.”

Shan took the spoon right out of my mouth, putting it in my cereal bowl, which he also took from me. When it was on the counter beside his bowl, he put a hand on the top of my head and pushed. I fell to my knees with a satisfied grin. “First, you’re going to suck my cock. Then I’m going to spank you until you can’t sit tonight. After, I’ll figure out what investigative tasks I want you to do today.”

I was drooling by the time my hands grabbed the waistband of his boxer briefs. Riling him up worked wonders every damn time.

Chapter 19


Ididthisfora living and yet somehow, watching Freya from a distance made me feel like a fucking creep. I’d need over two hands to count out the number of people I’d surveilled over the years and not once had I ever had any reservations. Reservations shouldn’t be present over this mission either. The woman was dangerous, or connected to someone dangerous, and Caspian supporting her wholeheartedly made it worse. At least if he was as suspicious of her as I was, we could stalk her together. But no, he’d left this task to me.

Admittedly, following her was a good idea.

The more time I spent around her, the more I wanted to tell her everything, for her protection and to alleviate my guilt. I was lying to the woman who had been my wife, a woman I’d already failed in a past life. What if she really wasn’t hiding anything more than her designation? If we waited too long to tell her, it would push her away.

Caspian had never been this happy before and that warmed me up to her, too. He would never admit it to me, but he craved affection. Especially the kind I had trouble giving him. Loving words, compliments. I would cuddle him for hours and protect him with my damn life, but as soon as words were involved, I was useless. That was why we ultimately weren’t a good long term fit for each other.

Every month I spent close to him made me want him more, though. Despite knowing I wouldn’t make him happy in the way he deserved.

My perch on a roof outside Club Chaos gave me a clear view of the back alley, where Freya usually exited the building after her shift. My range of vision extended a few streets down, so I wouldn’t have to move right away. Hopefully, staying still for so long would give me an advantage and she wouldn’t clue in she was being followed. Spending this much time alone and alert had given me too much time to think, but she should be off shift soon. I’d told Caspian to touch base with Em when she left. Gods knew I needed to forcibly thrust those two together at every opportunity. If they saw each other enough, they might cave and admit they were in love with each other.

Sure enough, the back door opened and Freya appeared. From this high up, I couldn’t make out the details of her appearance. The binoculars I was peering through didn’t make up for the fuzziness of the distance. She tossed a bag of garbage into the big green bin and started off down the alley.

Her not seeming to pay attention to her surroundings at all was concerning.

She either didn't know I was watching her and wasn’t worried (which she should be, considering her circumstances), or knew she was being followed and was hiding her knowledge of her tail. How dangerous was this woman? I was so far away that it made little sense for her to sense my presence so instantaneously.

Extending my wings out to their full width, I pulled light around me to camouflage me until I got to my next perch. The next rooftop I’d planned on camping on was a short flight away, but I realized halfway there that Freya wasn’t going home. Her path took her away from her apartment building. A thrill went through me. She knew I was here. Why was it turning me on so much that she was as skilled as any competent spy?

I didn’t stop at my next perch, circling back to follow her path. Masking myself like this in the middle of the night was difficult, and I wouldn’t be able to hold it long. But I had to know. Was she going somewhere specific? Did she need to stop at a twenty-four-hour grocery store? Or was I right about her doing evasive maneuvers? After I had my conclusions, I would drop off her tail.

We didn’t get far before I felt eyes on me as well.

They weren’t hers. She was staring ahead with a singular focus, her body tensed but looking relaxed to the unskilled observer. Someone else was following both of us. Landing on a flat rooftop, I dropped the veil and got out the binoculars again. Whoever was following us would be around here somewhere.

A couple blocks behind her, perked on top of a lamppost with a burnt out bulb, was an owl. The second I saw it, it saw me, head on a swivel. Immediately lifting off from the post, the bird shot in my direction, giving me barely enough time to hop back from the edge of the rooftop to the middle. We couldn’t have any Nulls seeing the fight. Cleanup would be a pain in my ass if they did.

The owl landed on the rooftop on two human feet, shifting smoothly in mid air. He was completely nude, as shifters always were after changing forms, and confident in it. Shifters learned to be comfortable with nothing on from a young age. The man wasn’t large or imposing and he had owlish features, wide round eyes and a short neck. There was a sneer on his face.

“I see I’m not the only one tailing the bartender.”

“No, you’re not,” I agreed.

My hand hovered over the sheath where I kept my knife, focusing on calling light to me. Fighting demons at night was harder because darkness was their domain. Luckily, it made them overconfident, and I’d fought in the dark enough to use that to my advantage.

“What do you want her for?” he asked.

“I’m not going to tell you that.”

Rolling his eyes, he shifted his posture to a fighting stance. “I’ve seen you around her before, at the club. You’re trying to knot the pretty Omega, I bet.”

I grit my teeth and avoided outwardly reacting to the jab. Anything to do with Freya had me reacting more strongly than I ever did. Masking my emotions was what I was good at, what I’d trained to do for years. Unless it involved her. “Areyoutrying to knot her?”

“My interest is pure curiosity,” he said, his smirk sly.

It wasn’t. He was working for Kylan Jitara. The signs were clear as day.
