Page 51 of Frayed Trust

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I looked between the two of them and anger bubbled up at the animalistic way the man was checking her over. He was staring at her tits as if he could see through her shirt. Or at least, wanted to. Before I had a chance to contemplate the consequences of my actions, I shifted my weight and tightened my grip on my knife. One smooth thrust later and there was a hole in the shifter’s chest, right where his heart was.

His eyes widened as he realized what I’d done and he attempted to speak, but all that came out were faint gurgles. Then the light left his eyes, and they went blank.

“I hope that asshole lives his next life as a fucking ogre,” I grumbled.

Using my light magic, I cleansed the blade before sheathing it again.

“Not going to cut his head off this time?” Freya asked.

I snorted, stepping up to him and patting him down. Maybe we would be lucky and he would have something on him that would help with our understanding of Kylan’s motives. “Too messy. Anyone could walk down this alley at any moment.”

No Nulls had stumbled upon us yet, but it was only a matter of time until a couple slipped down here to make out, or a homeless man tried to find a place to sleep for the night. If I wanted to keep this a secret from Director Knoxwell, memory alterations needed to be avoided. None of my team was capable of that.

“Would you have done it if we had privacy?”

She sounded curious, like she was trying to determine if I was a monster or not. I was, and she would find out. There wasn’t any point in hiding. With efficiency that came with routine, I sent the deceased through a portal to a graveyard in Hell and set to work, ensuring there was no blood to be found. “If we’d had privacy, I would have tortured him first. He died too quickly. And yeah, I would have cut off his head. There’s something about a good beheading. I think I may have been an executioner in a past lifetime,” I said.

I wasn’t sure what I was expecting when I turned to look at her again, but I wasn’t expecting her to be biting her lip. A faint arousal scent filtered into the air, intensifying those lower coffee notes. My breath caught on the smell, groaning at how it affected me. It was stronger than normal, at least that’s what it felt like to me. Caspian had told me all about how she came all over his tongue, so maybe I just had more fantasies to tie it to now.

“You kill more people than any angel should.”

Ignoring her own arousal, she tried to keep the conversation moving. When I stepped forward, she matched me with a backward step, retreating. “I do,” I agreed. She matched my next step with another back. “I’m not typically this reckless with my killing, though.”

“That’s reckless for you? It was a clean stab through the heart.”

“Yes, but I shouldn’t have killed him. My superiors won’t be happy if they find out.”

This time, when I moved forward, she didn’t move back. We ended up chest to chest. She was a tall woman, only a few inches shorter than me, the same height as Caspian. Much thinner, though. I dwarfed her in width. “Why did you kill him, then?” she asked.

Close to her, the arousal scent was near overwhelming, causing sweat to form on my brow and the bulge in my pants to press against her torso. “I didn’t like the way he looked at you.”

Her breath caught, and I gave into the temptation that had been riding me since the moment I first saw her. Leaning down, I connected our lips in a kiss.

Chapter 20


Shankissedlikehewas consuming me, stealing the air from my lungs. His tongue swiped against mine, pushing past any hesitation that I might have had. And hesitation had been there in spades. Caspian was one thing. He was sweet and would never betray me on purpose. This man was an enigma, and the only sign I had that he enjoyed my company was this kiss.

Well, the kiss and the two men he’d killed on my behalf.

That might have been the deciding factor in letting him get close enough to kiss me.

When his hands went down to rest on my ass, grabbing a handful, I bit down hard on his lip. He cursed and pulled back, glaring at me. I smirked. “You thought I would allow you to touch me that easily?” I asked, grabbing his forearms with my hands and pushing him back until he was against a wall. “I’m not Cas. I won’t lie down and take what you give me.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t expect you to.”

He stripped away my temporary power when he grabbed my shoulders and switched our positions. He was looming over me, making me feel small, which was a feat considering the small height difference. It was his aura that loomed.

Our lips pressed together again, Shan returning the nip that I’d given him. The tiny prick of pain made me hiss, but I wanted more. I tried to control the kiss, tried to place his hands where I wanted them to be. He didn’t listen, doing what he damn well wanted.

I fucking loved it.

I’d known what fooling around with Shan would be like since the moment I first spoke to him, and somehow this was even better. My fantasies couldn’t hold a candle to the real thing.

Before he cemented his dominance over me, I ripped away from his grip, ducking under his arm and darting to the end of the alley that opened to the street. He turned around, blinking confusion out of his expression before it hardened into the mask he always wore. It was so thrilling to watch that break. Fuck the consequences. I would make his mask shatter by the end of the night.

Grinning at him, I pulled out my wand and drew three lines of a rune in the air. He reached for his weapon as if I was going to attack him — with our history, a fight breaking out wouldn’t be the most shocking turn of events. “Come on, Shan. Catch me.”
