Page 62 of Frayed Trust

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His fingers nimbly undid the fastenings on those pants and shoved them down over his hips, hard cock bobbing up. More light hair covered his strong thighs and shins. He was downright gorgeous and I was aroused, but at the same time, not in the mood. That was new for me and my Omega hormones. All I wanted to do tonight was cuddle with him.

My hands got busy slipping out of my own clothes as Caspian observed, sitting down on the mattress to make himself comfortable. When I bared my tits, his breath caught, but he was in the same place I was. Observing, admiring, desiring but not imminently. Naked, I laid down on the mattress beside him and pulled a blanket over both of us. He tried to shift our positions so he was spooning me, but I placed a firm hand on his shoulder and held him in place.

I was the big spoon in this relationship.

After the stressful night I’d had, it didn’t take long for me to fall asleep with Caspian’s calming pine scent in my nostrils and his warm body pressed against mine.

Light was filtering in the gaps in the curtains when I woke up to the sound of a horrified squeal. Cas pressed back against me, crowding me, until I pushed firmly on his shoulder to stop him. “What the hell is going on?” I demanded, on high alert but not seeing anything that would warrant that extreme of a reaction.

The clock in the corner said it was way too early for me to be awake after working until two in the morning.

“I woke up, and he was just fucking… there. It was terrifying,” Caspian said, looking over his shoulder at me with wide eyes.

Was he fucking crazy? There was no one in the room with us. “Are you seeing hallucinations now? I doubt Shan will be happy when I return his boyfriend to him like this.”

“No!” Cas said, pulling his hand out from under the blanket to gesture wildly in front of him. “Is he fucking invisible or something? Can’t you see him?”

It took me a few more seconds to realize what he was talking about. Curled up in front of his face, out of my view until I peeked over him, was an orange tabby cat. Oswald. At first glance, he looked asleep, but I saw his keen yellow eyes watching us, his head still curled into the rest of him.

“You woke me up at the ass crack of dawn because you saw my familiar?” I asked, trying to understand.

Caspian’s eyes were wide as he scooted back away from Ozzy again, pressing against me and stealing space on my pillow. “Don’t you remember him attacking me? He’s fucking vicious. And look how close he was to my face, Freya. I was scared for my life.”

If I’d realized the incubus had been so thoroughly scarred by Oswald climbing his leg in Club Chaos, I would have teased him about it immediately. Better late than never. I had a feeling my familiar knew exactly what he was doing. He confirmed my suspicions when he lifted his head long enough to let out a hiss, then settled back down.

Caspian jumped from the mattress so fast he almost took my eye out with his dick.

His tense posture and deer-in-the-headlights eyes didn’t calm until he was standing clear across the room. Even then, he looked wary.“You’re evil,”I said to Oswald.

“As if you wouldn’t have done it. I had to find some payback for suggesting I get a cat bath.”

He visibly shuddered. Cas must have taken that as a threat because he was back on alert, reaching out to grab my arm and pull me out of bed. “I think it’s in a bad mood,” he whispered.

I couldn’t hold it back anymore. Laughter burst out of me and Caspian looked nothing short of seriously offended. “Demon familiars can be extremely volatile!” he said, pulling me out of my nest and into the living room. “You should be more careful around it. Never know when it might turn on you.”

“Cas, we’re bound by contract to protect each other.”

Unconvinced, he sat down on the couch and pulled me down onto his lap. Oswald trotted out of the room after us, purely to taunt him, and jumped up to lie on the back of the couch. “I’ve heard they’re the sneakiest of the demons. They can manipulate you into agreeing to things you didn’t want.”

Growling low in his throat, Ozzy stayed where he was. He must enjoy watching the incubus squirm as much as I did. “So far, you’re the sneaky one,” I said, cocking an eyebrow.

He perked up, fingers drawing circles on my skin where he held me. Neither of us were wearing clothes, but it was comfortable being this close to each other. “I convinced Shan that we needed to tell you,” he said proudly. “All we have to do is wait until Em gets back, and he’s on board.”

My chest filled with warmth. Could I believe he was telling the truth and they would tell me what was going on? How long would I have to wait for their other teammate to get back? Shan could easily go back on his word, though I felt like Cas would defy him and tell me anyway if he did. “When does Em get back?”

“By the end of this week,” he said, beaming. “Can you wait that long?”

With any luck, Kylan would take that long to come for me in earnest. The crime boss was playing the long game with me, had been for a while now, but he was growing impatient. It was possible he knew how close I was to dying and wanted to get to me before that happened — or before I found an Alpha mate to save me from myself.

“I can try,” I said, hoping that it wasn’t a mistake.

If all else failed and the vamps came for me, I could tell Shan and Cas my secrets and ask them to help. I could try to trust blindly and see where it led me. Not trusting anyone wasn’t leading me in the most productive direction so far.

His arms tightened around me and he buried his face into my neck, inhaling deeply. He was obsessed with my scent, but I could say the same thing about his. Our biology was calling us to each other even through the haze of my scent dampener. At some point, they must have figured out what Kylan had. That it only dampened the Omega side of my scent, it didn’t make me smell like a Beta.

I was going to have to talk to Clara about the design of it.

Fuck, I had to talk to Clara. I’d promised Elodie, and she didn’t take kindly to broken promises. They didn’t name their dinerHex Sisters Kitchenfor nothing. My aunts both loved a good curse.
