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“That’s the biggest one we’ve seen yet,” Kade said as we neared the monster. “What do you think it used to be?”

“No fucking idea.” I eyed the creature’s form right down to its bushy tail, the ends brittle and singed as if it had been dipped in fire. It could have been a rabbit for all we knew. The only thing that was clear was that it wasn’t human. There was only hatred in those red eyes, no recognition.

Kade cursed and ran a hand through his hair. “What the hell is happening?”

He said it out loud, but I knew he didn’t expect me to answer. Living in this monster hellhole had never been easy, but these outliers were bringing a whole new meaning to the wordmonster. When humans turned, they had elements of humanity—a conscience, remorse, guilt, and most importantly, control over their own bodies. They were able to fit in with society and learn to control their monstrous urges. If they stepped out of line, they knew the consequences were dire.

But these…outliers, they seemed to want nothing but to tear apart anyone they came into contact with. They couldn’t be reasoned with. Whatever magic the queen had used to make the curse that turned us all into monsters, something was twisting it. Who the fuck knew what we were going to do when even our own livestock started turning into those creatures.

My gaze lifted to further south where the majority of our cattle was under heavy guard just outside the city. It was a wonder that none of those animals hadn’t yet turned, or at least, not to our knowledge. So far, it seemed to only be the wild animals from the forest that were being affected.Why?It was the question that haunted me.

“We have to hope Warrick will pull through.” I hated the words that came out of my mouth, but they were true. My father was the only one studying the outliers. The others on the council still refused to admit the creatures were a threat.Ignorant bastards.

A strange sinking feeling dropped in my gut as I thought about the fiery human who would soon be having her next trial with Darian.What if she is different because the curse is warping her into some perversion of a monster? What if she’s stripped of her humanity during the change?I knew exactly what would happen. My father would want to study her. My fist clenched.

Dropping down, I crouched next to the barghest, ignoring the unsavory scents of decay and sweat coating the folds under its belly.

A chorus of frantic wolf howls sounded from within the city, but I ignored them.

“Zacal’s team have slain the other outliers,” Kade growled.

“Help me roll it over,” I said, placing my hands under the creature’s body. “Let’s get it tied properly. We have to move.”

Kade grunted and squatted beside me.


~ Raine ~

IgroanedasIawoke, exhaustion making it feel as though my limbs were pinned to the bed. Soon after Locke had left my room, I’d fallen into a fitful sleep, but now the truth of what had happened finally sank in.

The monsters tried to crush me to death.An unexpected pang of hurt rippled through me.What did you think they were going to do to you? They’re monsters.

I squeezed my eyes shut but then forced them open again. I couldn’t let them break me. I couldn’t letthisbreak me. Whatever had happened to turn the rocky slab into sand, it was over, and I had to be grateful. All that mattered was me finding a way to escape these monsters and save Cara.Just wait for your moment, then get the fuck outta there.

Flexing my fingers, I winced at the pain of my cuts.That’ll slow me down.Frowning, I stretched out my right arm. It was throbbing again, another red dot on the inner crease, and my head was light, but otherwise, I was fine. I still had no idea what they were doing to me while I slept, but at this point, a part of me wondered if it was better not to know.

An uncomfortable burning in my belly was what finally made me sit up.Note to self: don’t down a pitcher of liquid before going to sleep.I swung my feet to the floor with the plan to disappear into the washroom, when there was a knock on my door.

I stood as the door opened, my muscles instinctively tightening and my hands curling into fists.

“Do you always greet your visitors with such hostility?” said a melodic masculine voice.

I gaped at the monster standing in the doorway. Glossy silver hair was pulled back from his flawless, smooth face, and defined muscle covered his bare chest, ending in aVabove loose-fitting silver trousers. My brows lowered when I realized his feet were bare and I couldn’t see a weapon. I lifted my gaze back to his face.

Crystal-blue eyes framed by long lashes were watching me curiously, and his thin lips pulled into a sensual smile. Locke had more of a dark, lethal beauty, and A-Two had masculine charm, but this monster was the most elegant of the four. A regal expression fixed on his perfect face.

It took me a moment to work out he was the fourth monster, the cloaked one who’d been present during the Night of the Offering. I wondered why he’d worn the cloak that night.Probably because he thought he didn’t look menacing enough. The villagers in the lineup might have volunteered for the offering if they’d seen this male’s face.A smirk threatened to twist my lips.

Asshole monster. Not man, I scolded myself. But it was an easy mistake to make. Aside from the monster’s unusual height, he didn’t have any of the blatant monster traits the others did. No claws or fangs.Or a freaking tail.

“And how would you have me greet you?” I said in mockery, finally answering his question.

His smile grew, his eyes sparkling. “Oh, we’ll get to that in time. What’s your name, lovely?”

My mouth popped open slightly. “My—what?”

“Your name. I’m not a barbarian like my brothers, and I’m sure you have one. Unless, of course, you want me to call you ‘human’?”
