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Kade only grunted at the pain.

The short-haired male laughed, and a vicious smile curved his thin lips. “Look at you, you’re pathetic. No wonder you couldn’t protect them. You’re weak.”

“You weren’t there when they needed you!” another one of the males shouted, and as I tried to piece together what they were saying, my heart began to ache for Kade. About what they implied happened to his family.

Kade, Locke, Asher, and Darian hadn’t mentioned anything about having a family. Not that I’d bothered to ask. Why would I?

“I won’t fight you, Zacal.” Kade’s voice was a low growl, and the pull of our bond urged me to move toward him.

“When the fae came, do you think your mother and sister believed you would save them? Or do you think they knew you were too busy with your…friendsto care about the pack? To care aboutthem.”

His mother and sister?Dread filled me.From the way Kade refused to fight or even respond to the other monster’s taunts, it was obvious he blamed himself for whatever had happened.He thinks it was his fault.

Annoyance crossed the monster Zacal’s face when Kade still didn’t respond. The male signaled with his hand, and his followers started forward, attacking Kade without mercy. They struck him with their blades, anger twisting their features, as I watched on.

The pit in my stomach grew, but Kade remained where he was, taking the onslaught. Zacal lunged, and his sword sliced toward Kade’s face, slashing along his left cheek. Kade’s head turned to the side with the force, and black blood flicked to the stone floor.

Fucking get up!I wanted to grab Kade’s shoulders and shake him. To break him out of whatever trance he was in. Whether he was responsible for whatever happened with his family or not, this was all wrong. And I couldn’t stand to watch it unfold.

I clenched and unclenched my fists at my side. I knew I should close the door, ignore them, and leg it out of there, but as much as I told myself I hated Kade, what I really hated was this whole situation. I hated that Cara was taken. I hated that it was partially my fault. And I hated that the monsters were turning us into them and stealing our lives from us.

But… Kade wasn’t responsible for all that. I couldn’t be sure how much hewasresponsible for, but no one deserved to be sliced to death. And especially not if they were grieving. I didn’t know what had happened, but what I did know was that he didn’t need these assholes to torture him. He was clearly already torturing himself. And from how I’d seen Kade act with Locke and the others, I couldn’t help but feel like these monsters weren’t telling the full story of what had happened.

Can monsters die?I’d wondered this since stabbing Asher in the shoulder and seeing him heal instantly. But Kade wasn’t healing like the monster with the violet horns.Fuck.

Before I could second-guess myself, I swung open the door and flew down the steps, two at a time.Please don’t let this get me killed.

Halfway down the staircase, I shouted, “Leave him alone, assholes!”

Since the monsters were consumed by the frenzy, it took a moment before they stopped, but then their unwelcome gazes shot my way, narrowing on me as I made my way down the last of the steps.

Kade’s golden gaze connected with mine, and fear flickered in the depths, his eyes widening. Blood dripped from him, including from a deep gash that had been carved into his right arm. Something inside me twisted at the sight of his beautiful body marred so cruelly.

“What do we have here?” Zacal said with a wicked grin. His yellow gaze became hungry as he stared at me, and I suppressed my shudder.

“She has nothing to do with this,” Kade said, slowly rising to his feet.

I didn’t take my eyes from Zacal. He was the biggest threat, and I still had no idea what abilities he had.

“Leave Kade alone,” I said coldly, repeating myself as I reached the bottom of the stairs. “He’s carrying out the Taratun’s wishes.”

Before I could reach Kade, Zacal stepped between us, his expression turning appreciative as his gaze slid up and down my body, blatantly admiring me. “Is he now?” Zacal said, his top lip lifting, showing pointed fangs.

I glared at him and kept my chin high. “The Taratun sent us here to train for the Week of Orash now that I’ve turned, but we were supposed to be back a while ago.” I had no idea if what I was saying sounded believable, but it was the only excuse I could think of.

Zacal’s copper eyes narrowed. “Training for the Week of Orash?” He lifted his head, his nostrils flaring as he sniffed the air. “You smell way too delicious for a newblood. How about Itrainyou instead? Show you what it’s like with a real alpha.”

My stomach churned at the desire swirling in the male’s eyes.How about hell no, asshole.I smiled sweetly. “Thanks, but no thanks.” I stepped around the male and went to Kade’s side.

“Told you to hide,” Kade muttered under his breath.

“Why do people always think I’ll listen?” I quipped quietly back.

I peered at where Kade stood, bleeding all over the floor. Shadows clung to his eyes, and his gaze seemed…empty. “Stay behind me,” he said.

I raised a brow at him in disbelief. It was a freaking wonder he was even standing. “How about you stand behind me.”

Kade growled in protest and attempted to step in front of me, but I shuffled to the side, and he stumbled, only just managing to stay upright. Like hell was I letting him block my view.
