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The four of us were silent for a long while, brooding, with the crackle of the fire and the scrape of Kade’s blade gliding against stone the only sounds.

Finally, Asher sighed and spoke. “I still can’t believe she hasn’ changed.”

Lifting from my spot, I strode over to grab a drink. Darian had the right idea.

I’d just finished filling my goblet when Raine stepped out of the washroom, her hair damp and one of Lyr’s ludicrously sexy outfits hugging her body, her breasts practically falling out of the leather.Fucking Enzal, the female was tempting as fuck. And Kade had been all over her.

There were no rules against fucking the newbloods or humans. It didn’t matter who they were with as long as they were drinking the pink water with Acaralia in it to make sure a babe didn’t grow in their bellies, and as long as no one tried to claim them. Monsters could only claim a newblood as a mate after the newblood had joined a house and if they were of the same breed. Still, I hadn’t thought Kade would be the one to bed a human. Darian and Asher I expected, but not Kade. After the incident with his family, I could count on one hand the number of females he’d been with.

Raine’s gaze was hard as she strolled right to the table laden with fresh fruits and sliced meat and began pulling fruit onto a plate. Then, without a word, she went over and dropped down onto the settee closest to Kade and began picking at her food.

I narrowed my eyes, watching as she wiggled, getting more comfortable. She wasn’t sitting in just any spot. She was inmyspot.Definitely has a death wish.The thought made my lips twitch.

As though she’d heard my thought, she lifted her head and returned my stare, challenge shining in her eyes. Like she was daring me to question her seating choice. This fucking human had balls. I had to give her that.

“If you want to see what a real monster’s like, come join me, Sharachi,” Asher said, pulling her attention away from me. He winked at Raine as he made his way to the washroom.

Darian rolled his eyes. “Ignore him, Raine lovely. We haven’t visited the city in weeks, and Ash isn’t used to his cock being so dry.”

Raine choked on her mouthful, and I couldn’t help my smirk as I watched her splutter, her cheeks reddening. It was adorable. Innocent. Delicious.

“Good to know,” she finally managed, peering at Darian. Twisting her head, her gaze flitted to the washroom door and then back to the siren. “Why does he keep calling me Sharachi?”

“Ah,” Darian responded with a sensual smile. He leaned forward, resting an elbow on his thigh and stroking his chin. “Sharachi is the name of one of the seven devils of the underworld. The female devil of seduction and war, who toys with males to bring them to their knees, causing chaos wherever she goes.”

Raine’s mouth dropped open. “He named me after one of the devils you believe in?” she said incredulously.

Darian shrugged. “We used to believe in six gods and goddesses as well, but belief in them died out soon after the curse. Think of it as a compliment.” He leaned back on the settee, folding one leg over the other and studied her and Kade. “So are you both going to tell us what truly happened with Zacal?” he asked.

“There’s nothing else to tell,” Kade said, still sharpening his sword, though I didn’t miss the slight shifting of his body, as if he was subconsciously trying to move closer to Raine.“I doubt he’ll bother us for a while.”

Something about Kade’s last words had my sharp gaze fixing on Raine’s face. I was still struggling to believe there was a human sitting here in our rooms, let alone one that had helped Kade fight Zacal and his wolves.

And just the night before, she’d refused to sit, but here she was, relaxed as if she belonged.With us.I tried to bury the thought. I didn’t need to take in another stray. Not that she was like that. I wasn’t fool enough to think Kade’s cock had made her actuallylikeus monsters. No, she had a goal. I could see it in her eyes. She was just biding her time until she got what she wanted, and I was itching to find out what it was.

She’d be formidable during the Week of Orash. When she turned, there was no way the members of her respective high house wouldn’t want her, and then of course there were all those from the lower houses. I also didn’t doubt monsters would be lining up to fight for the right to claim her as a mate.

No, my brothers and I couldn’t offer her anything good in this world. All we had to give were tortured souls and our enemies. She’d already had to deal with Zacal.

But until she’d turned into a monster and joined a house, she was vulnerable. We had to find a way to get her to change. If we didn’t, her life was in danger. And so was ours.

I was going to continue enjoying testing the human until she turned. I loved playing with pretty things.

~ Raine ~

Ishouldn’thavebeenwith Kade. Now that my mind was clearer, I knew I’d made a mistake. Sex just made things complicated. Messy. And I had to find Cara.

But even now, I wanted him.Cravedhim. I wanted more. My mind flitted to the dream I’d had with Locke and the others. For years, I’d gone without, but now I wanted them.Allof them. I’d thought being with Kade might have eased my need, but it had only made it worse. Like I was a bear who’d had a taste of honey, but I wanted the whole hive.

No one had multiple partners back on the island. But staring at these males, these monsters, my bond pulled me toward all of them. Kade hadn’t been angry when I’d admitted I’d been dreaming about the others as well. And knowing that…excited me.

Fuck, I was messed up. But for now, I was here. My best chance of finding Cara was to participate in the Week of Orash. I’d pretend to be a shifter and fight the other newbloods. If what Kade had said was right, all the alphas from each of the houses would be there, along with hordes of other monsters. If anyone knew what had happened to Cara, they would be there. If I was super lucky, Cara herself might even be there.

So I’d play their games. And if I got to enjoy Kade while I was at it, I wasn’t going to complain.

I shifted further back on the settee and sighed contentedly, enjoying the tick of irritation on Locke’s face. I hadn’t intended to sit in his spot. It was only after I’d sat down and taken in his murderous glare that I’d realized. But like hell was I going to move.

His heated gaze slid over me, watching me, and my body warmed in response. Out of the four, Locke was the most dangerous. Those dark eyes were always paying attention, taking in everything around him.
