Page 43 of Interlude

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Then Dylan demonstrates what an expert he is at this, feasting on me as if he can’t get enough. Licking, sucking, thrusting with his fingers, he brings me to the brink over and over. Then each time I reach that point he stops, prolonging things to the point I'm ready to scream at him.

When the blinding orgasm finally hits, and the stars dance in front of my eyes, he drags me to the floor, across his lap and holds me until I return from his galaxy to the world. Dylan buries his face in my neck, and strokes my hair swearing repeatedly under his breath. The thud of his heart against mine, and lust in his hooded eyes when our eyes meet again has me grasping at his jean's button for a third time.

"No," he says breathlessly, "Just no."

I run a finger below his hair where strands stick to his face. "Please, Dylan, you said what I wanted?"

He smiles. "Nice try."

"You're being unfair," I pant.

"I know, and to myself." Dylan squeezes his eyes closed, shifting beneath me. "Fuck, this is hard."

I nudge my nose against his ear. "I'm aware of how hard. You could..."

Drawing a ragged breath, Dylan places his forehead on mine. "No. Fuck, Sky, I want to so fucking much but no." His arms tighten around my waist, fingers tickling the sensitive spot at the base of my spine, "How about some more snuggling?"

"Snuggling?" I can barely hide the disappointment in my voice.

Dylan stands, still holding me around the waist and I wrap my legs around his. The sensation of his erection beneath the rough denim against my sensitive flesh as he walks upstairs sends new shockwaves through my body. I wanthim, not snuggling.

In his bedroom, Dylan pushes back the covers and sits, the pair of us falling onto bed. Hope flares he might change his mind, but he pulls me to his chest, wrapping me in his arms. Dylan's heart thumps against my naked breasts, rapid heartbeat gradually slowing as he strokes my hair. He soothes me as easily as he sent me crazy and I fight the urge to push him to finish what we’ve started. I think he's as aware as I am what will happen if we start kissing again, because all he does is hold me.

A silent understanding holds us in the moment, the weird link to the man I hardly know fusing me to him. The moon shines through the open curtains, casting a blue glow across the room. I turn onto my side and snuggle into him.

Dylan squeezes me tight and kisses my neck. "I haven’t slept with someone else for years," he whispers. "Don’t leave my bed tonight."

"I don’t want to." I kiss the arm wound around my chest.

As I drift to sleep, he rubs his nose against my cheek. "I love the world we're in, where you'll always be my summer Sky. I could live here forever," he murmurs.

If only the world could hold us in this moment forever.
