Page 59 of Interlude

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Who am I kidding? I don’t want everything over and done with, but I’m not a teen living in a fantasy world where rock stars date Miss Average.

Sipping her coffee, Tara watches me over her cup. "You know what’s funny?

"In my current life, not much."

"You don’t even like Blue Phoenix." She chuckles. "Did you tell him that?"

"I didn’t know who Dylan was. Not until the last day."

She splutters. “Sure."

I ignore her and read the article. There’s a 'no comment' from Dylan and his manager, and nobody knows who the mystery girl is. There are a few not so pleasant comments about why he’s with someone like me, which I expected—and a line from his girlfriend about how they’ll split now.


This part hurts the most—confirming my theory I was a fun game and my suspicion about the model I saw in the internet story I read at Broadbeach.

Another huge reason to forget this ever happened, if that’s true.

"Do you think anyone else will recognise me?" I ask.

"If press want to find you, they will," Tara says nonchalantly. "They’ll dig around as to why Dylan disappeared in the first place—did he leave because of you?"

"No. I met him in Cornwall. Randomly. Like I said, long story. Do you think people will look for me?" I press.

"Who knows—if he’s done with you and you’re not interested in selling your story, I’m sure they’ll forget about you. Especially once Dylan moves on to the next girl." She pulls an apologetic face. "No offence."

Done with me. Nice. Dylan haunts my thoughts and dreams. I don’t tell her how Dylan called Gran and sweet-talked her into giving him my number. Or his drunken phone call last night asking to see me. I apologised to him about walking away, explained the situation has freaked me out, and that I thought he'd be over me in a couple of days.

Dylan doesn’t seem to understand what I tell him. He wants to see me, but I’m not sure. The glow of the holiday romance stays, and if I allow the other Dylan I never knew in, he’ll destroy memories I’ll hold onto forever.

On the way back to my car after my meeting with Tara, I scrutinise every person I pass—middle-aged lady with small white dog; mum with screaming baby; group of teens sitting side by side texting on their phones and not communicating. I'm paranoid they'll jump up and run through the car park shouting, "It's her!" but no one pays any attention.

I drive home in a daze, the images from the magazine flipping my mind and stomach. Nobody knows who I am; everything will go away. I repeat the words repeatedly as my car crawls through the traffic towards Tara's home.

All I need to do is keep my head down for a few days, and forget about the man who exploded my world.

Because he’ll stop thinking about me.
