Page 93 of Interlude

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I'm here, hidden from the real world. Slightly drunk and with a guy who only has to brush my arm to make me want all of him.

"Why do you have this place when you have a house full of empty rooms you could use?" I ask.

"Sometimes, I want to leave the real world alone, as you know. This is disconnected somehow. When I walk in here, I'm away from the fucked up reality that exists back there." He indicates the direction of the house with his head.

I take my glass back from him and drink because he's looking at my mouth again. If he kisses me, I don't think I could be responsible for my actions.

"Do you sleep here too?" I ask, looking around.

The rest of the place is piled with cardboard boxes stacked high against the wall. He indicates another green, wooden door at the back of the room. "I'm a hoarder, so there’s no room for a bed, even though I often stay here all night."

I spy a half-empty bottle of bourbon on the table near the mixing desk. "That would send you to sleep."

"Yeah, I've been known to sleep on the sofa." Dylan shifts, taking my glass again, the light touch charging through me. "We need to get a little bit talky though,? And not this small talky."

"Do we?"

"Yes, otherwise I'm going to kiss you again."

Dylan has me caught in his blue-eyed scrutiny, the suggestion of where the kiss leads made clear by the brief glance at my breasts. Darkened eyes meet mine as he chews on the edge of his lip.

"Okay, talk," I squeak.

"Funny, Sky." He brushes my face with the back of his hand.

Maybe I should kiss him before I explode.

"What really puts you off a relationship with me? The fame? Me? My world?" he asks, watching me warily.

"All of them."

"I think you're scared I’ll try to change you like Grant did?"

"He didn't change me, I changed myself."

"Because of what he wanted."

"Because I didn't know any different. I thought if we were in love, we needed to make sacrifices."

"Sounds like you were the one who made all the sacrifices, when relationships work both ways. He sounds selfish and a fucking idiot to throw you away." Dylan strokes my cheek. "I’d never ask you to do anything or be anything. Why would I when, to me, you're perfect as the Sky you are?"

I snort. "Perfect? No one is perfect."

"I meant you're perfectly Sky, and I love that Sky."

Love. Again. I down my champagne while staring at the floor. "Stop saying the word."

"Okay, you have an overwhelming effect on me which triggers feel good chemicals in my brain and I crave being with you so I can keep feeling this way." He smirks and I pull a face at him.

"You’re having a chemical reaction? Very logical."

"Too logical, Sky..." He brushes a thumb on my lips. "Fuck the chemistry, we were meant to meet. I never believed in destiny or soul mates or any of that bullshit but then you came along. I always knew I was lost, but I didn’t realise how much until I met you."

Dylan covers my mouth with his, a gentle kiss I don't expect. The craving he spoke about overwhelms me too. I have a confusing need for this man to hold and complete me, even though I'm fighting to stand on my own in the world.

Giving in to the longing, I wind a hand around his neck, stroking the short hair at the nape. Dylan makes a soft noise in his throat, and shifts closer. I run my tongue along his bottom lip and he responds with a fierce kiss, teeth almost colliding as our tongues push against each other. Our hearts thump in rhythm, matching the way our lives have joined in a shared direction.

Dylan's stubbled face scratches at mine, my lips sore from the intensity of our harsh kisses in the kitchen . I tremble and the heat we're creating is going to combust if we don't stop soon. I'm distracted by his sandalwood scent mingled with the heat from our desire and torn away from anything but us. I pull away, and touch my mouth as I meet the eyes of the man who has stolen my soul and given me part of his in return.
