Page 106 of Unplugged

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Ella appearswith a towel and her swimming costume in her arms. “Where’s Daddy taking you?” I ask.

“He said we’d go to the beach today.”

“Lucky you,” I say and help her push the blue towel and bright pink costume into her bag.

“He said I’d need something to do in the car because it’s a long way to the beach.”

I know how much Ella whines when we take a ten-minute trip across town to see her grandmother, so a few miles to the beach will be enough for her. “Maybe a book then?”

Ella wanders off and returns with her Peppa Pig book and the Olaf that Liam bought her for Christmas.

“Do you think Daddy will remember to buy you some snacks?” I ask.

“Daddy said he’ll buy me some sweets and ice-creams.”

“Healthysnacks,” I mutter and look in the pantry. I package Ella a small box of fruits and crackers, and then put them in her bag.

Craig arrives on time for once, and I grit my teeth as Ella rushes to him.

He scoops her up. “Wow, my little girl’s getting heavy!”

“I’m not little!” she protests.

Craig sets her on the floor and I pass him the bag. “Ella tells me you’re going to the beach?”

“Yeah, Barry. I want to take a full day so we might be a bit later home than usual.”

“How late?”

“Dunno, I’ll call you.” He pauses. “This would all be easier if you let Ella stay over with me.”

“I’m not talking to you about this now.”

“I want to sleep at Daddy’s!”

“See!” he says. “You’re being unfair. If you really don’t trust me, we could stay at my mum’s.”

“I don’t want to stay there,” says Ella and I attempt not to laugh.

Craig frowns as his attempt at manipulating Ella backfires, and then arches his neck to look behind me. “Uncle Liam not here today?” he asks snidely.


“Are you still together?”

“None of your business, Craig.”

“Oh, you know it is, Cerys,” he says tersely.

I glance back at Ella who’s now hopping up and down the steps. “I packed some snacks in for Ella in case she’s hungry on the way to Barry. Her coat is in the bag.”

“Coat? It’s twenty-five degrees,” he scoffs.

I scowl. “The evening will be cooler.”

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