Page 25 of Unplugged

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“You can still choose a book. Off you go.” I smile and wave her toward the stairs.

“Do you think Uncle Liam would read me a story tonight?”

Louise mouths ‘Uncle Liam’ at me with a shocked look on her face.

“I think Liam has done enough for you today, Ella. Anyway, he’s out.”

“Liam told me he would.”

Louise chuckles. “Here I am, worrying about you and my big brother, but I can spot who’s really the new girl in his life.”

The surge of affection I have for Liam grows each time he does or says something kind to Ella. When he arrived here the other day, Liam was uptight and grumpy and I became sure his family would ask me to leave. Liam’s understanding of my situation seems strange and not what I expected of the man whose excesses I’ve seen and heard about over recent years.

Ella hops off the chair and heads out of the kitchen, leaving her colouring behind. Louise leans against the kitchen counter and crosses her arms.

“So...?” she asks.


“What’s going on? IknewI saw something happening when you were drunk the other night. Cerys, this… whatever with Liam is a bad idea.”

“This? There’s nothing happening!”

“Really? You two are acting weird. When he first arrived you made polite conversation, now you hardly speak or look at each other.”

I can’t tell Lou that we kissed because I won’t allow myself to replay the moment—or allow the hidden fantasies about rock stars to sneak in.

“He’s engaged, Cerys,” says Lou. “Okay, I don’t like Honey much, stuck up cow, but she’s who Liam wants.”

I cringe at her saying Liam wants Honey. “They split up, that’s why he’s here.”

“Oh, right. Did Liam tell you that before or after you got into his bed?”

“Louise! I haven’t ‘got into his bed’. Give me some credit.”

Louise sighs and shakes her head. “I know he’s my brother, but he’s also one quarter of Blue Phoenix. There’s a reason they have a reputation. If he’s dumped Honey, good, but I doubt he’s looking for someone new—just sex to make himself feel better. Sorry to say that, but it’s probably true. And you. What about Craig?”

Louise has this all wrong and her tone riles me. I can’t argue with her because she’s helping me so much already. I take a calming breath. “Louise, nothing is happening with Liam. I don’t want anything from him. You’re right, my life is complicated enough without involving myself with Liam. And yes, you’re probably right that sex is his only agenda.”

Louise’s shoulders relax. “Okay. Good. I don’t want to sound horrible, but I’m worried about you. You’re in a bad place and however much I love my brother I don’t trust his motives.” She rubs my arm. “Is that true about Honey? Why hasn’t Liam told me?”

“I don’t know. Maybe he’s hoping they get back together?”

“God, I hope not. I can see right through her—she wants trophy wife status. Stupid Liam wants to settle down which is a contradiction to his lifestyle. One weird situation.”

And that’s the problem at the core of this. Not only Honey, but also because rock stars don’t go back to their humble beginnings and whisk away the girl they kissed once. Especially, not a girl with a four year old, and an ‘it’s complicated’ relationship status.
