Page 44 of Unplugged

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“Because I lost the other one.”

“‘The ‘other one’. You mean the oneIbought you?”

The day Ella was born, Craig bought me the necklace I lost. That was the closest piece of jewellery to showing any commitment. Marriage was discussed and every time we see his family the topic resurfaces, but Craig has never been keen. Maybe in the early days I’d have agreed to marry him, but recently I’m glad I didn’t.

“Yes,” I say quietly.

“Why wouldLiam Oliverbuy you that?”

“I don’t know. I was upset when I lost the necklace. He’s a nice guy and probably thought I’d like a replacement.”

“Oh, yeah, and howniceto you was he? Did he replace anything else? Like me?”

Ella looks between us and I pray that she won’t say something incriminating. “He was nice to Ella.”

“Guys don’t buy girls jewellery unless they mean something to him,” he snaps.

“This is nothing to Liam. He has money to burn.”

“Not thecost, it’s a bloody necklace, Cerys. With aheart.”

“Do you honestly think I had time to start a new relationship living in someone else’s house? And with a member of Blue Phoenix? Don’t be ridiculous. He’s a friend from years back,” I retort.

“Yeah. I remember. You’d follow him around.” Craig stands. “I’m going back to bed.” He drops the necklace so it lands in my lap. “Send this back to him; I’ll buy you a new one.”

The lights on the tree twinkle in the room, the smell of Christmas paper reminding me of childhood. I need to focus on Ella. She scrabbles through her pile, looking for her new DVD. We settle on the sofa, and she snuggles up to me, hugging her Olaf toy.

Disney movies about princesses, and the prince arriving with his ‘true loves kiss’ are bad for little girls because they grow up and think one day a prince of their own will arrive with the long-awaited kiss. I hope one day that Ella will question that because reality is harsh.

I pick up the necklace and hold the heart in the palm of my hand, wishing with all of mine that I was in St Davids with Louise. And with Liam.

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