Page 50 of Unplugged

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Birthday balloons cover the wall;banners, andFrozenparaphernalia adorn the small house. I know I will regret this. A crowd of four year olds from Ella’s school is set to invade this afternoon. This is the first real birthday party Ella had and her excitement level is off the scale.

I’m glad she’s distracted because there’s no card or gift from her dad. Ella hasn’t mentioned this, as she used to him letting her down. I quietly seethe about the man who dragged us back here professing undying love for his daughter, and who now lives across the city only seeing her a couple of times a month. Craig manipulated me into returning then left. The returned. Twice.

I found the courage to call his bluff—the man screwed with my head and heart for the last time. Shortly after Christmas, I ended the relationship for mine and Ella’s sake.

One of the mums from school, Phoebe, stepped in to help. Her long dark hair falls across her face as she leans over, carefully icing cupcakes in bright pink.

“How many did you say were coming?” she asks.

“God, I don’t know. Ten. Including that kid who bites.”

Phoebe rolls her brown eyes. “Fun times... We need wine.”

“Phoebe! I can’t be drunk in charge of a children’s party.”Bloody tempting though.

“Okay, well I’ve bought a bottle for medicinal purposes—for when we’re done.”

We share a giggle as I tip cheese and onion crisps into a large plastic bowl. Phoebe is one of the few friends I have outside of Craig and mine’s old social circle, and she’s been good to me since I hit single mother status.

Ella emerges in one of her Disney princess costumes, blue satin and lace, with ribbons in her brown hair.

“Why don’t you wear the pretty dress Grandma bought you?” I ask.

She pulls a face, mouth tugging down. “It’s itchy.”

Then I’m doubly glad Craig’s domineering mother Marcella isn’t coming to the party. The blue velvet dress with the white lace collar is pretty but not exactly something a five-year old would wear. I set plates of food on the plastic tablecloth and Ella walks over.

“Can I have a cake?” she asks.

“Just one.” If I said no, she’d take one as soon as my back’s turned.

Ella tucks into the freshly iced cupcake, smearing pink frosting around her face.

“Do you think Uncle Liam will come?” she asks.

I blink at her. How does she remember that promise?

“I don’t think so, Ella,” I tell her.

Her mouth turns down. “He said he’d come. Liampromised.”

“I know, baby, but he’s busy.”

“Who’s Liam?” asks Phoebe.

“He’s a rock star,” says Ella, and then stuffs the rest of the cake into her mouth.

Phoebe laughs. “That’s cute. Have you met a guy I don’t know about? I didn’t know you were into the local band scene although I’m glad you’re going out more. You could do with a social life.”

“No, he’s a friend from home,” I say. “Ella likes him but we’re nottogether.”

“Ah, I thought you were hiding something from me for a moment.” Phoebe nudges me with her elbow.
