Page 129 of Reverb

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“Doesn’t matter.”

“It does. You’re pissed off.”

I sip my wine. “How’s Connor?”

“Still waiting. He’s going okay though, had a hospital appointment today and he can stay home.”

“How’s Hannah?” I fail at keeping the frostiness from my tone.

“She’s okay too.”


I watch the couple on TV, kissing in the rain and pick up the remote to switch off. I can’t watch this.

“Avery?” he asks cautiously.


“I love you.”

Tears well, the wine blurring my rationality. “Why aren’t you here, then?”

“I need to be with Connor.”

“And Hannah.”

“No! This is only about him.”

I slurp more wine.Fuck it. Things need saying.“You’re living in her house. The girl you once told me you’d love forever. In herhouse,Bryn.”

“Because it’s easier than being an hour away in a city hotel!” he protests.

“Yeah, I bet it’s easier,” I mutter.

“What does that mean?”


The distance between us isn’t the thousands of miles across the world. A gulf has opened that physically closing the distance wouldn’t change.

“I thought you understood,” Bryn says quietly.

“I’m trying but…”

“But what?”

I take a wobbly breath. “I’m jealous. I understand about Connor and what a horrible, horrible situation this is, but I don’t understand why you’re living with your ex.”

“I’m notwithher, Avery.”

Sure.“How long for?”


I swallow. “How long are you staying with your son and his mother? You won’t tell me a date you’re coming back.”

“Because I don’t know.”
