Page 142 of Reverb

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Yep, I fucked up. “Right.”

“But, I guess this is Bryn Hughes I’m dealing with.” Avery curls her hand around my neck and pulls me closer so her forehead touches mine. “You are a strange man.”

“If I didn’t ask properly, you couldn’t say no. I could pretend I meant something else,” I admit.

“Bryn…” She places her lips on mine. “You’re funny. I love you with every ounce of me. Why would I say no?”

Pulling my head back, I smooth her cheek with the back of my hand, heart thumping loudly, realising sometimes being serious is the only way. “Avery, will you marry me?”

Her breath rushes out. “In Las Vegas?”


“Tomorrow?” Her eyes grow wider, cheeks pink.

“We have a few days, doesn’t need to happen the first night.”

“Well, that’s kind of you—maybe I’ll have time to buy a bloody dress!” Avery’s eyes shine with tears, but she smiles.

“Can I get an answer,cariad?” Normally, I can read Avery, but this is tough.

Avery looks into my eyes for a long time and whatever answer she needs from inside them, she finds. “Yes. I will but—”

I tense. “But?”

“What about my family? Your family?”

“We can have another ceremony for them. I want this to be about me and you.”

“Jesus,” she mutters and stares at the envelope. “I don’t know about Vegas, or so soon.”

“Fine. Doesn’t have to be tomorrow. I just didn’t want to wait any longer to spend the rest of my life married to you.”

Avery takes my hand. “You know what? What the hell. Let’s get married Bryn-style.”

Seizing hold of Avery, I squeeze her too hard and she pushes at me. I shower her head and face with kisses until she giggles and covers her head. “Love you.”

She smiles. “I always hated that I wasn’t your first love; but now I know I have something better. Being your last love, that’s pretty awesome.”

“My one and only. Every day I fall in love with you all over again. I don’t know what you put in that pumpkin soup, but you got me.”

Avery scowls. “You never ate the soup.”

“That’s right. I remember you were too busy trying to get my clothes off. As usual.” I roll my eyes and Avery tugs me to her by the T-shirt. “See what I mean!”

“How am I ever going to live with your humour for the rest of my life?”

“Because it’s me?”

“I must be completely mad,” she says and jumps down from the counter.

“Madly in love with a hot rock star?” I ask.

“No, just mad to love you.” I pout and she laughs, settling herself between my legs as I face her on the edge of the counter.

I stroke Avery’s face, tracing her features with my fingers, relieved. I’ve wanted to ask Avery many times but never found the words, and a couple of times when I made a joke about marriage, she joined in, so I decided she wasn’t interested.

I want to commit to a life with Avery because I followed my heart and it led me to her. Avery took more than my heart; she took away the confused guy who wouldn’t grow up and replaced him with a man no longer afraid to move on and love.

I feel Avery in the deepest parts of me, she’s on my mind constantly, in my heart always. Holding her hand is like plugging into the sun, the energy and warmth flows between us and burns through the shadows. With her, there’s never darkness.

Avery is locked inside my heart and buried in my soul, and nothing can pull her away. Loving Avery forever won’t be enough, but it’s a start.

The End
