Page 107 of Encore

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“Chatting to Tegan, I think.”

“Ah, and how’s Tegan finding married life?” Bryn scowls at me. “C’mon, surely that’s not still a sore spot.”

“Not my business,” he mutters. “As I’m often told.”

“By Tegan or Avery?”


Liam snorts in laughter. “Told you before, thumbprints on all our heads these days.”

“Speak for yourself,” replies Jem.

“Ha! Ruby has you all under control, the Riot boys too.”

“He’s right, Jem,” I say. “Don’t deny it.”

I head to the window and stare out across the lawn, at the people milling around. Polite. Upright. A world away from the old Blue Phoenix parties. “Steve wants to meet up with us in London next month.”

“Yeah. Back to it,” says Liam. “Gonna be good to head into the studio again.”

“Easier than last time,” says Bryn and waves a finger between me and Jem. “Right?”

“Couldn’t be much worse,” says Liam.

I perch on the edge of the table. “So, you’ve forgiven me for the last few months, Liam?”

He runs a hand across his hair. Of all the guys, he held the biggest worry Blue Phoenix would split thanks to my solo project and wasn’t scared to voice it.

“Wasn’t about that. Just, after trying to hold the band together when you and Jem were a mess, it felt fucking rude for you to piss off on your own.”

I bristle, but bite my tongue. I honestly never expected Liam to be the one who reacted like this.

“Oh, fuck, don’t you two start this shit,” mutters Bryn.

“We’re still here,” Jem says quietly. “That says a lot, doesn’t it?”

The implication beneath his words goes further. Here in this room? Yes. But also Blue Phoenix is still alive. We came through chaos and instability, stepped away from the spiralling destruction, and we’ll emerge stronger. Liam knows this. They all do.

I meet Jem’s eyes and share the unspoken.He’sstill here.

“Me and Jem already started writing if that makes you feel better, Liam,” I tell him.

“Uh oh. No children’s songs I hope. Cover versions of the nursery rhyme classics?” asks Bryn.

“You’re a sarcastic bastard sometimes,” mutters Jem.

“And you’re still uptight, Jeremy.” Bryn finishes his beer and stands. “Gonna look for Avery.” He pauses before he leaves, large frame filling the doorway. “Love you guys.”

“How many have you had, Bryn?” I ask, mouth curling in amusement.

He places a hand on his heart. “Man, I’m serious.”

I shake my head and sit in the spot he left and watch him stride out of the door.

Bryn voiced what underpins us, the words guys never say to each other unless they’re drunk. Very drunk. Or ever. I love the three guys as if they’re my family, that’s not ending, even when we disagree.

What’s in our future? More of the same?

We fought to keep the band going at the hardest times, through the year that saw me and Jem combusting in the fiery destruction we created. Now we’re back, stronger than ever.

Blue Phoenix rose again and we’re not heading anywhere but higher.
