Page 40 of Topaz

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“Why do I like it?” he questioned.

“No, why more than you should?”

“Because, Topaz, I’m barely a half hour from fucking you, exhausted, with bruised if not cracked ribs and all I can think about is we did it raw and I don’t give a fuck. I’m not panicking, kicking myself or even caring. Instead, I’m thinking how can I do it again.”

“Most times.” Topaz laughed. “Part A is inserted into slot B over and over and over, but the cool thing is it also fits in slot C and D and then there’s also E and F that wrap around when you don’t have time for a slot.” She waved her hands, making sure to wiggle her fingers, then had to cover her mouth from the yawn she couldn’t stop. “But even still, we should be open to telling the cops what happened.”

“Fuck that. I’m not reporting it to the authorities. This is going to be between the Steels and the ACT UP. That group is going to go down. They can’t just take us and not suffer the consequences.”

“But you were law enforcement before this. Why would you want to go that route with this group?” Her mind clouded with unease.

“I don’t want ACT Up to find us either,” he said.

“That’s true. I didn’t think of that. I just want to go home.” A tear slipped down Topaz’s cheek.

The truck slowed and came to a stop. Onyx reached over with his strong hand he delicately wiped the tear from her cheek. “Don’t cry. It’s going to be okay. I’ll take care of you.”

The sky was darkening and it must have been getting later, so finding a place to get at least a few hours’ sleep was necessary. They would have to sleep in the truck and Topaz wondered how they could pull that off. He was too long for the bench seat and the bed of the truck was still wet.

Spotting a small clearing in a wooded area, she pointed to the glade.

He went a bit off road. After turning into the area he didn’t just tuck the truck behind a few trees, he kept going a few hundred feet and like some enchanted fairytale another clearing that led to a pond emerged. He followed the path showing someone at some time had come down this way enough to show life was near. It wasn’t far until he reached the water. Putting the truck into park, he glanced at her and she leaned over to disconnect the wires. “We can stay here tonight and figure out where we can get to in the morning.”

“Sounds like a solid plan. We would be like sitting ducks on the highway.”

“That’s my thoughts exactly.” Onyx laid his head back against the seat and closed his eyes. A light moan escaped his lips.

“What are we going to do Onyx? We have no phone, no GPS, we’re almost out of gas and we’re in the middle of the woods with nothing to even keep us warm tonight.”

“It’s warm outside, so I think we’ll be okay inside the truck for the night. You have me to keep you warm anyways. Come here.” He put his arm around her and pulled her toward him.

She scooted over and landed next to him.

He snagged her jeans from the vent and laid them on the lower half of her body. They had mostly dried, and were warm on her bare legs. He then opened his coat enough for her snuggle in close to his body. “Which slots are C and D?” he joked as she laid her head on his lap, his eyes drooping from exhaustion as his fingers gently brushed her short hair.

The haircut had been a rash decision she now appreciated. Her hair wasn’t a clump of tangles from the day or two or three however many they’d just been through. Long hair had been a weapon in a way, men and women using it as a leverage point in a fight. Though, she knew working a pole and having hair draping down so men could imagine it in a nice nest over their cock as her head moved up and down. The toss over the shoulder followed by a come hither stare. She didn’t want to be that kind of girl anymore. Instead, the hard ass, leather clad slap she did to keep the men’s hands away had become her latest incarnation when she stripped. The only reason the boy comment had hit a nerve was because when she trimmed her hair, she hadn’t thought it fully through.

Ass, she had for days, hips, a feminine face for sure, and the pixie cut had only accentuated those features. Still, an air of pre-teen boy showed up once in a while when she walked by the mirror. Only now, there was no doubt Onyx saw her as a delicate woman. She felt scared, upset, as he tucked the short hair behind her ear.

Then he returned to petting and smoothing her blonde hair with its touch of blue dye in the front. “What’s your name?” he asked with a yawn.

“Um, what?”

“Your name? Topaz is all I’ve ever heard.”

“Sarah,” she said. “Sarah Cardwell.”

“Topaz come from your eyes?” he asked. “Or your hair?”

“A little of both,” she said as she reached for his hand resting on her hip and pulled it close like a teddy bear. “I wanted a name when I stepped on stage, guess my parents weren’t full on white trash. I wasn’t blessed with a stripper name at birth, so I got to pick my own.”

“Why Topaz?”

“The other gem stones were taken, you know the usual diamond, sapphire, and the generic crystal,” she joked then let out a sigh. “My Nanna’s a good old Southern woman who quoted superstitions with the best of them all the time. She gave me a Topaz pendant when I left Arkansas. It was to protect travelers,” she said then absently placed her hand on her neck where it had once lay.

“Where is it now?” he asked.
