Page 50 of Topaz

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Topaz unbuttoned his jeans and began to inch down the denim.

He caught her chin in his hand worried she was about to do more once as she lowered the pants. “We both need to wash this shit off us,” he said a bit more commanding than even he’d expected.

Looking up at him, her bright blues blinking as a soft pout formed on her bottom lip.

“I want you,” he said still holding her chin in the palm of his hand, her body lowered before him practically to waist level. “Never doubt that. You are not the reason I’m not answering yes. With me, it would be—”

“I think I’ve proven I can handle difficult.”

“You haven’t truly seen me.” He swallowed back his outrage. “In the truck, I saw you, but you didn’t see me.”

“The cabin showed me everything I needed to see when it comes to you Dallas.” His given name flowed from her lips like warm honey.

“How will I shower? It was stupid for me to come here. I need—” Fire raged in his chest as he turned away.

Topaz stood in front of him and forced him to look at her with a yank of his chin with her hand. “Let me,” she stated simply. Releasing his chin she went to the desk where a wooden chair sat as she placed it in the shower stall of her bathroom.

His heart yearned for her to understand. “It will ruin—”

She held her hand up to silence him. “Then I’ll buy a new chair and next time, we’ll shower at your house. Or with the chair you use, but right now, it will serve a purpose.”

Walking toward him she knelt, unlacing his boots and removing first is right one, then turning her eyes toward him while holding the heel of his left.

“Anything special I need to do?” she asked while making sure the laces were as loose as his other boot had been.

He shook his head as she twisted the boot slightly, then slipped it from his prosthetic foot. Setting it next to the one from his right before sliding off his socks. He hissed and turned his head the vinyl covered titanium limb was now exposed. She tugged on his pants, her thumb latching under the waistband of his boxers to bring them down with his pants and once they were to his knee, he sat on the bed as she shucked the last of his jeans off, then stood.

“Shirt?” she asked, “Unless you’re planning on showering in that too? Come on baby, strip for me.”

His brows quirked as he stripped of his t-shirt, once white now a mix of brown, rust and black. Disgusted again, at the situation he sat bare before her.

“Is it because I forgot the music?” she said then stepped over to a small radio and flipped on a smooth R and B song.

KC and Jo-Jo serenaded the dance she performed toAll My Life. Thumbs locking into her beltloops as she inched down her own jeans, bending so her ass was on full display for him and back arched.

There was no hiding his desire for her, his cock thickened at the sight.

Her eyes cut to his lap and a smile curled on her lips before she toed off her own boots. Quickly, her shirt was removed.

His hands reached out to cup her breasts. Reaching around the back of her as she rested her elbows on his shoulders and dropped her lips to his. The kiss, slow and as sensual as the song while his fingers popped the latch on her bra. Their mouths fusing, deepening the embrace as her right knee rested on his thigh and pushed toward his hip. Her exposed sex calling to him, even though they were not yet one. Instead, his hands were smoothing down her back and her nipples perked against his chest.

“We need to shower,” he said pulling back, uncomfortable with his own filth. Sure, his dried blood and sweat were coating his body.

Topaz stood, spun and turned on the spray.

“Don’t you want me in there before you start that?” he asked.

“So you can freeze from the icy water?” she retorted. “No, you need me to help you in I’m good with that, but I’m not going to have you sitting in there shivering.”

He reached down, recognizing he had never taken his leg off in front of a woman, well not one who wasn’t wearing scrubs. Definitely not one he’d been intimate or wanted to be intimate with. With a pop, he broke the seal of his prosthetic and set his leg on the bed.

Topaz’s eye stayed fixed on him before she knelt again and rolled down the sleeve over his stump slowly. A thin layer of skin peeling away to reveal a bad ulcer on the end and inflamed skin where the sleeve had held tight for too long.

“Let’s get you washed up and then I’ll have Red come take care of this properly.” Topaz placed his hand on her shoulder as if she could actually bear his weight. And as if they’d done it a thousand times before she shifted him into her shower and on the chair. Grabbing a fresh loofah from the drawer by her sink, she stepped back in the shower and straddled his leg as if he were about the get the best lap dance ever.

Instead, she squeezed a little soap on the porous sponge and started at the top of his head. Taking care when he hissed then scrubbing hard when she could. The smell of summer strawberries permeated the shower, while big enough barely for the two of them, she found a way to move around.

Scrubbing his back, he spied the pink poof she probably used on herself. He snagged it and the soap. When she came back around, he was going to tend to her.

When she faced him again, he began rubbing the poof, creating bubbles on her taut stomach and her deceptively luscious thighs.

“Hey,” she said lifting his chin with her finger right as the poof glided between her thighs. “You first,” she insisted. “Then you can rub, tug, lick, flip and do whatever you think necessary to get me clean.”

A smile curled through his whole body as the loofah dropped before him again and surrounded his cock. The strokes had his head lolling back as the warm water mixed with the strange sensation of the sponge. When her hand rested on his thigh the sensation around his dick changed to one, while still warm, was no longer sponge like.

Her lips glided down his shaft as she sucked him deep into her throat. While one hand helped balance her, the other tugged on his balls. Massaging the mounds in his sack as his fingers ran through her wet hair.

He wondered if she ever had long hair. Surely, at one time. Damned, if he didn’t want a fist full of it in his fingers. Her mouth created a rhythm, up and down. Her fingers tightening and when she pulled lightly on his sack, his body tightened ready to explode as he held on as long as he could. Tapping the back of Topaz’s neck in warning only tripped her into harder suction as her cheeks and tongue swaddled his cock.

Warm jets spurted from the tip of his cock as he was sure she was going to kill him, instead she drank what he gave her. Swallowing as more pulsed into the back of her throat and he cried out, his fist slamming into the wall as an orgasm rocketed through his body.
