Page 53 of Topaz

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“Fine,” he grumbled, this time pulling the cover over because he was a bit cold, but he chose to cover only his waist and half his stomach.

Topaz left the room and he crossed his arms.

He turned in the bed. Sitting up with his foot on the floor. He’d have to crawl to get all his parts and get away. His head swam a bit and he figured there were worse things than having a woman demand he take care of himself. She could have— he looked around the room, he swore his leg had been on the bed. The sex got a little aggressive, maybe it fell. Bending, he reached under the bed. Moving toward the end, he continued the search until he was completely around the bed. His eyes shifted as anger spiked in more than his heart.

By the time Topaz opened the door with Red carrying a medical bag behind her, helplessness tripped off through every inch of him. Years of suppression, not helping the man who’d spent a day being strung up and beaten. Tied. Watching the woman he was growing to love curled in a ball, destroyed at the vision of him.

“Where is it?” he snapped the moment she stepped in the room. “It’s not a fucking joke Topaz. You don’t fuck—”

“With your way to sneak out of the room easily,” she bit back. Meeting his anger with strength. “You think I’m gonna let you die when all you need is a big shot of penicillin in your ass, then you have another think coming Dallas King.”

“Yeah,” Red said drawing out the word. “You two aren’t just fucking are you? Okay, well. Onyx, you don’t need the turn your head and cough check. I’m pretty sure your balls have dropped so can you…” His hand waved a bit.

Onyx snagged a pillow to cover his dick. “Topaz,” he pleaded and she walked to her closet and returned with his leg. “How did I miss you taking that?”

“I was naked,” she said as she sat next to him on the bed.

“Okay.” Red let out a sigh, his gloved hand examined Onyx’s leg, then removed a vial from his bag and drew up a needle’s worth. “I’m going to go with Cipro, because I’d rather not give you an Epi. If I’d have known you two wanted to play hostage, I would have done this instead of giving you pills.”

“Had to get her to realize I wasn’t a fuck up somehow.” Onyx swallowed back his unease. Becoming light headed at the sight of the needle he breathed out slowly and soon, had a soft hand wrapped around his.

“Give me a cheek,” Red ordered, alcohol swab in hand.

Onyx turned toward Topaz.

“You asking for permission to show Red your ass?” she questioned.

“Hey, Topaz, I’m thinking dinner’s gonna be put away soon, might want to snag the two of you a plate,” Red said.

Hurt filled her blue eyes as she protested, “But—”

“He knows what I’m going to have to do,” Red cut her off. “Let’s keep some parts of life hidden.”

“You’re lucky I love spaghetti,” she said leaving the room, but stopping at the door to glance back at him.

Warming Onyx’s heart at the care, she showed to him.

“Left ass cheek please,” Red said.

“Seriously? Can’t I get it in my arm or tap a vein?”

Red wasn’t really a man to be questioned. With a sigh, Onyx rolled to the right and he was starting to wonder if Roadkill was available when Red plunged the antibiotic with no mercy.

“Your head is just gonna have a scar,” he said. “Nothing I can do it’s been too long since the injury to do much with that. Anything else I can help with beyond that ulceration?”

Onyx rubbed his wrists, but there were no cuts, just bruising. “Maybe a rib or two, more bruised I think.”

“Since you’ve been able to continue with normal activities.” Red raised an eyebrow then glanced to the chair in the bathroom. “We can get your chair moved over here.”

“Why would we do that? I’ll just go home, once you slice me open and get that shit out of me.”

“Yeah, not gonna happen.” Red began examining Onyx’s thigh. “I’m going to drain the infection, but you’re either taking a room here or if Topaz can stand you I’m putting her on nurse duty.”

“Does she have an outfit to match?” Onyx asked as Red injected lidocaine around the ulceration. His skin had formed a film over what he could only assume was pus.

Red paused, his head tilted to the side. “If she doesn’t I believe Tempest does. I know I’ve been physically assaulted by my wife for suggesting she borrow it when we were at the bar before.”

