Page 71 of Topaz

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She covered his lips with her fingers and the shine from her new diamond caught the light, sending shots of rainbows through the room. “I saw you,” she said. “The heart and soul of a man who I’d wished for when I was young and watching the stars. Never had I ever seen that before. And every ounce of me is grateful to God for putting you in my path and for making you just stubborn enough to wait until I saw it too.”

* * *

Arriving back at the clubhouse,Topaz quickly showered and slipped on a simple sundress.

“Thank God for sundress season,” Onyx said as he watched her from the doorway before taking two steps. Finding her hips with his hand and her neck with his lips, he whispered, “Don’t forget your ring.”

The combo of hand and lips was a one two punch to her hormones. “Never,” she said slipping the simple platinum band on her finger with the pear cut diamond she had taken it off to for her shower.

They walked hand in hand toward the creek where an arch made of fallen wood had been constructed, covered in flowers for Freaky’s and Dreamer’s nuptials. The babble from the stream was a calming noise as people gathered and stood waiting for the couple to arrive.

Topaz wanted to find Dell and Steel before the ceremony.

True to form, the couple was leaning against a tree with Steel’s hand groping as many parts of Dell as he could at one time.

“Ah hem…” Topaz coughed. “Dell, Steel it’s good to see you.”

Dell peered around the massive shoulders of her husband.

Moving to the side, allowed Topaz to get a real hug from both of them.

“Topaz, I hear rumors about some good news for you.” Dell reached out and grabbed her hand. Bending the fingers to get a good look at the ring she’d received less than an hour before. “I knew it. I knew you were going to find what you needed here. I’m so happy for you and Onyx.”

“Rumors huh?” Topaz asked and glanced over at Onyx.

Onyx shrugged. “Maybe while you showered, I bought a round a drinks.”

“We don’t pay for drinks at the clubhouse.” She raised a brow at him.

“Can’t help it if you have a penny pinching fiancé,” he countered, then stepped away to talk to Hollywood.

Topaz turned to Dell. “Well, thank you. Maybe you could come for our wedding it will be next summer. We want at least a year to plan it.”

“We’ll be here. I promise.” Dell hugged her.

“Come on everybody the wedding is about to start,” Bounty stated as he and Cream stood hand in hand.

Topaz smiled and made her way over to the happy couple. “Cream, I didn’t get to congratulate you yet.”

“For what?” Cream smiled and let out a light sigh.

“The baby.” Topaz laughed and hugged Cream.

Bounty smiled down at his woman and Topaz. “Yes and we can’t wait. Our wedding we’ll have to be sooner than later.”

“Whoa there cowboy, I never said I was going to marry you,” Cream countered.

“Everything? We have to fight over everything don’t we?” Bounty asked with a laugh.

“Only the really good things,” she countered as her mother approached with her walker.

The woman, near catatonic last fall, was now moving around as if little had happened to her. “Annie,” she scolded, still struggling with words but not looks.

“Yes, mama I’m gonna marry him, just, not right now.”

“Thank you mama,” Bounty replied to his greatest ally.
