Page 43 of Turbo

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“Certainly you can.” Porsche was surprised that she wanted to be so independent and wash her own bowl. She wasn’t used to being around kids beyond the random flyby of the littles and then between all the club members and their parents she didn’t need to do much interacting.

After they finished cleaning up they walked back to the dining room and took their seats. Flipping through the coloring books Porsche wondered what she could do with a little girl. Her grandmother passing on the love of old movies had her glancing at the giant screen on the wall. There were always stacks of movies for the kids over there.

The commotion of the men rumbling down the steps made both of them turn to see the flood gates had been opened. They seemed serious, but not angered.

Porsche stood as Mike approached their table. “Is everything okay?”

“No. But it will be now.” Mike ruffled his daughter’s hair and then gave her a look. “I have to help the guys with something, I know it’s asking a lot…”

“If you’re good with the plugged in babysitter,” she said, pointing to the TV. “I can do the work I need to do while we watch a movie or two.”

“You okay with staying with Ms. Porsche for one movie?”

“Can I have another cinnamon roll in a little bit?” Sydney asked.

“Only if there is some fruit in between,” Mike said. “And you drink a whole glass of milk with it.”

“See, balance good food with treats.” Porsche pointed to the pile of movies. “Go pick out a movie and I’ll set it up in a minute.”

Sydney wandered to the movies, her blanket clutched in her hand, but being dragged behind her.

“Thank you for helping me with her,” he said and she did her best to not watch the muscles move under the tight shirt he wore. “You have no idea how much it means to trust someone enough to leave her out of my eyeline.”

* * *

“Hanover!” Hack approached from the bar.

Mike had learned quickly this place was one with community duties. They’d harbor him, but since he wasn’t sure where or what to do next weight had to be pulled and that he understood. Syd was secured with Porsche and he could see his baby girl wasn’t frightened when she was next to the stunning blonde, even with men milling around the clubhouse. She stayed on the woman’s hip, but because he approved there was a glimmer in his daughter’s eyes for a momentary hope of safety.

“What’s up Creek?”

“Let’s go we need for you to help us secure the Ranch and the town. It was too easy for you to breach.” The man rocked back on his heels a bit. “You’re good, but we both know I’m better so show me how I’ve been slacking and help me plug the holes.”

“Better? These are physical holes, not gap in code,” Mike challenged, and Hack narrowed his eyes at him as his jaw ticked. For a half a tick Mike was back on base with shit talking and dick measuring contests on who could do what. All done when home to challenge and uplift the unit.

“The ranch has thousands of acres,” Creek said.

“And one road in and one out, but not everyone needs a paved or in this case gravel path to find their way.”

“Why are we friends again?” Creek joked. “I lost a bet I didn’t even know I made, that’s it isn’t it?”

“Now that Porsche said she’ll take care of Syd I’m good to help you. You know I can’t think on more than one thing at a time. Let me see what you already have in place.” He took the laptop from Hack and they made their way back to the conference room they used for Church.

The two men sat side by side at the table. “I worked on the security system myself. I just don’t understand how you slipped through.”

“It was easy, like you said thousands of acres, hard to fully patrol. Actually, I found the cameras and avoided every one of them.” Pulling up the security system Mike was able to pointe out each camera and how he found them. “That one, probably great in the summer, but spring, fall and winter the nook in the branch isn’t covered or camo’d by foliage. Kinda disappointed me on that one. Evergreens would do better.”

“Except they have long branches that block the lens,” he countered. “What should I do, hang them like ornaments? Maybe I should task Dreamer with painting them to blend into the bark.”

“And find a cover for the red light,” he said. “Cold, crisp spring night, you might as well of had a laser pointer.”

“By the time you see the light, the camera’s tripped.”

“Who’s monitoring the feeds?” he questioned. “Because the one I set off made me pause and regroup until I was sure no one was coming. What’s the point of having them if it’s for review later?”

“We do go a bit lax when we don’t expect a threat,” he admitted. “Or when we don’t have an active rescue.”

“Creek when did you start doing that? I get it, tranquil place and who wants to live in constant fear of infiltration, but the fact you were sent a message by Connell a package was coming should have made your short hairs rise a bit.”
