Page 57 of Turbo

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The door was open since the men were still working on it. Syd followed as Creature led the way, tail wagging as she did a perimeter search of the place. Taking off down hallways once the living room and kitchen had been sniffed out fully.

“Had an incident a few months back with the old one. It’s a bitc—” Red’s eyes cut down to Sydney who wasn’t fully paying attention even as she held Mike’s hand. “Pain to set up properly in the winter. Lost a few men, not from the incident, but in response to their lack of care taken. Haven’t told you how much I appreciate you reviewing the security around here.”

“Every system has a hole,” he said. “I’ve been thinking about doing the whole can you break into this place job when I retire. But that would put me on the road a lot again.”

“Road isn’t bad when you have a home to return to,” Red said. “Until then, we’re happy to offer a place.”

The home was a mix of material smells. Fresh paint and sawdust topping the list. A thin sheen of protective plastic was being pulled off the countertops and cupboards.

“Will this do for you and Sydney?” Red asked as they made their way through the double wide. Three smaller bedrooms were down one hallway with one larger master and another bedroom on the other side. “I promise, most of this will be furnished by seven. TV in the living room, couch, beds. The works.”

“Five bedrooms?”

“At times we get multiple rescues through,” Red said. “The last one we had was two and a master. It was big and served a purpose, but at times we were overloaded and not just when Cass and Lil’ Mama were waiting for their house to be built.”

“It’s perfect thank you.” Mike said, The place was clean and had been approved by a tail wagging pit bull who’d returned to Sydney’s side. They would have privacy and he could get his act together, focus and help them come up with a real plan of attack. One that hopefully would allow him to be with his daughter and not locked up. He’d killed a man outside of duty, but the man was an imminent threat to his daughter and there’s wasn’t an ounce of guilt plaguing him.

“I’ll let you get squared away.” Red gave him a hard slap to his back. “A truck will be bringing by the big stuff and Sydney can make the important decisions on where it should go. Think you can handle that?”

“Me?” Sydney questioned.

“I’m not asking Creature to do it,” the man said, for the first time bringing out the dad verses the club president tone. “Last time I did that my bed was on the porch and there was a dog bed in the bathtub.”

Sydney smiled as Creature rebuffed the comment with a snuff and half bark.

“It’s a big job though,” Red said. “You’d have to probably sit on that counter and point where you want all the guys to go. You think you’re brave enough to boss the men around, because I have to get to the clinic and check on a few patients.”

“Will I be all alone?” she questioned.

“Something tells me Creature won’t wander back home until suppertime,” Red said as if a silent command was passed between owner and pet. “Oh, and your dad will be here, someone needs to make the beds up and hang the curtains.”

“As long as I don’t have to make them,” Mike said. “I forgot my sewing machine.”

“There you go a plan is coming together.” Red dropped to a knee before Sydney and slid a red and black patch from the inside pocket of his leather coat. “If anyone, and I mean anyone back talks you or questions your authority I need you to say Red put me in charge.”

Sydney took the small patch and ran her finger over the stitched logo. “Red put me in charge.”

“That’s like a policeman’s badge,” Red said. “Only stronger.”

“You good staying here for a bit?” Mike asked and Sydney pushed herself up by the sink.

“I can see Maggie’s house,” she said. “We’re so close?”

Mike grabbed her at the hips and lifted her even higher. “I’m taking that as a yes.”

They walked back to Hack’s house and gathered their things. After packing up his bag, he left Sydney to finish packing her own and made his way to the kitchen where Hack and Preacher Girl were both fussing around prepping a roast.

“Hey, I have a question for you?”

“What’s that?” Hack asked.

“I’m trying to get the feel of the club a bit.” Mike leaned back on the counter. “What’s a Hoez?”

Preacher Girl started coughing and Hack smiled. “Where did you hear that from?”

“Well Porsche said she was a Hoez and I wanted to know what that was.”

Hack’s face darkened and Preacher Girl disappeared in search of something from the fridge.
