Page 78 of Turbo

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It had been a week before Cream could negotiate a bail agreement for Mike. Not bond, but bail, they refused to take any cuts on the man when a child was still missing. Add into the fact his mother was in the next county over and they weren’t willing to take on the electronic monitoring requirement since they had fitted him with an ankle bracelet and GPS.

Which left only the LA Steels as an option and again distance monitoring services were an issue, but they had property. One that many used as a stop off in Oakland which was finally approved.

Banished in many ways to sitting in his room at the clubhouse, Mike had a very small window of space he could wander in. All of it was confined in the walls of the brick and metal building. The man couldn’t even walk the trash out to the bin without calling down the law. His mother could come by, but he didn’t want her to see him like this. Just like the county jail. She didn’t need to see her son confined even though Cream had explained all that had happened. The response one having the woman wanting to rush off to Montana to help her granddaughter, thankfully Cream talked her down for fear of being followed.

While the members had made him feel welcome being trapped made the place suffocating. He made his way to the main gathering area and walked up to the bar. Watching the woman around, some eyeing him as if sizing up their responsibility when it came to him and he realized his want for Porsche to come.

Picking up the phone the club had provided him he dialed the memorized number and Porsche answered on the first ring. “Bugs, I was just thinking about you.”

“You were? How did you know it was me?” he questioned.

“Cali phone number, all the Cali Steels I know have saved numbers.”

“How is Sydney? And how are you?” he asked, his hand absently going to the back of his neck as an open flame might as well of been licking his skin.

“Syd is as well as can be expected, loving school for some crazy reason.”

“Dreamer’s the teacher, right?”

“Yeah, or Ms. Meadow to all the kids,” she replied. “Dreamer’s good people though.”

“I’m learning you all are,” he replied, wishing the ache in his heart wasn’t so heavy as he sat alone at the bar.

He’d been alone before. Hell, most nights when home he was alone. The core of his team had families or were younger wanting to get wasted in the way young men did. A few days with the same woman next to him in bed had changed him. Even when she hadn’t been by his side he found himself looking for her. When he first arrived in the clubhouse a woman with long sunshine colored hair was working behind the bar and his first thought hadn’t been how could you leave my daughter. All he wanted was to pull her into his arms until he saw her turn and knew instantly by the way she moved she wasn’t his Turbo.

“Do you want me to get her?” she asked.

“No,” he said as acid burned up his throat. “I’m not really sure what to say.”

“That you love her, miss her and would see her soon.”

“Not the way I usually play two truths and a lie,” he said with a sigh. “No, when I go to war I don’t call until I know I’m coming home and out of danger.”

“You’re with the Steels aren’t you?” she questioned.

“Yes, but I don’t know when I’m coming home.”

“She’s finishing her bath soon, so if you change your mind.”

“How are you Turbo?” he questioned again, since she hadn’t answered him yet.

“I’m okay. Missing you, if you can believe it,” she said. “Kind of a new emotion and here I thought I’d experienced the whole pantheon.”

“Big words, have you been helping Syd study for the SAT’s.”

“Or me,” she replied throwing him off. “I’m always going through a million career ideas. Thought maybe I’d look into college and try to find my next direction.”

“Would you stop dancing?” he asked making sure to not call her a stripper. At this point he worried about most of the words he used because his fucked up mindset didn’t match hers and even if women here approached him, they weren’t overt in any offers.

“Not immediately, it was just an idea,” she said. “The study guide was brought by with some other ones because a lot of the time we help the women we rescue get ahead.”

“Turbo,” he said, her name a bittersweet word falling from his mouth.

“You know Syd keeps calling me that,” she said and his heart clenched. “I don’t have the heart to tell her it’s inappropriate. It comes out more when she’s backsliding.”

“Wait, you said she was good.”
