Page 85 of Turbo

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“Tell me,” she cried slamming fisted hands into his chest as he stood statue still. Just like Sydney when Porsche had let go of her hand. In another place, one where he could rage and howl at the moon. Or maybe one where he could snap her neck as he had her husband. With a well-timed step she angled in front of him so the woman beat on her back and not him. The force weakened as she cried out, the words sounding rehearsed and yet they tore at Porsche’s heart as Sassy’s voice rang out, echoing against the walls, decrying the loss of her baby.

. “Don’t. Don’t let her have any part of you in this moment. Your mine and answer only to me,” she said as his mother became visibly upset trying to stop the woman breaking down in front of them. “You only speak when I allow it.”

The rule, simple and one she didn’t think she’d ever have to use in public as she took both his hands in hers and crisscrossed her arms. Making his lock at the wrist. His shoulders relaxing as he lowered his gaze to meet hers. Just like when they worked through a scene. At times hard and heartbreaking, but with a satisfaction far beyond the physical release at the end. In this moment she was promising him that without speaking from the connection deeper than any she’d known before everything would be fine if he stayed in line.

“Don’t say a word Mike.” Cream ordered coming out of a conference room and quickly moved in front of him and Porsche.

“Baby,” Porsche whispered, her thumb stroking the back of his hand. “You can’t show emotion to that woman. She doesn’t deserve any reaction from you.”

Mike slowly deflated and leaned into her hold. She was supporting him in ways that he needed right now in a way no one else could.

“Mike, we need to go into the courtroom. Let’s get this over with,” Cream stated, then turned to the man with Sassy. “And McMasters, if you think her little dog and pony show is going to earn her anything beyond my annoyance, think again.”

“My client is a distraught mother,” the man countered.

“Your client is going to need a better attorney than you by the time the judge bangs her gavel.”

Once they made it to the half wall separating the court from the galley, Mike leaned down to give her a chaste kiss on the lips. “Thank you.”

Porsche squeezed his hand then pushed up on her toes to whisper his release from her rule before she slid into the bench behind the defense table. Her hands cooling into the icy bricks before Mrs. Hanover encircled her hand with hers as the women shared a look of unease for what may happen to the man they both loved.

* * *

“What did the DA say when you showed him everything?” Mike asked, keeping his voice low.

“He hasn’t seen it yet, but don’t worry, I got the low down on Judge Yang. She loved her Latin classes and when in court you score points by using it.” Cream leaned over to speak low to him. “Mr. McMasters has to be brought in, he’s a civil lawyer Sassy’s retained, but don’t worry he’s a moron. The ADA there,” she nodded her head toward another man, more put together than McMasters by a long shot seemed like a slick one. Suit stiff and hair gelled back was reviewing a file about an inch thick. “Mr. Anderson is another story, he’s federal since you crossed state lines. I pointed out they have no evidence of that.”

“So basically I’m keeping my trap shut and letting you speak,” he said as tingles slipped down his spine and remembrance of bound wrists were like phantom watches.

“I need to warn you,” she said. “Hack found a few things we didn’t bring up on the phone.”

The tingle turned to frostbite and before he could answer a bailiff was calling for “All Rise, for the Honorable Judge Korrine Yang.”

He stood, wanting to give deference to the judge and grab Cream to force her to tell him what they’d been keeping from him. It had to be bad Hack wouldn’t keep the simple from him. Instead he knew the man was keeping him from doing more damage to Sassy. That was all that was left. Mitch was gone, the last option was Sassy as he fisted his hand.

“Raymond Anderson for the prosecution,” the ADA introduced himself.

“Annie Morrison-Castle for the defense,” Cream said and he realized he’d never learned her real name.

To him she was Cream, a name chosen by the man she was now married to. Glancing back to Turbo on the bench holding his mother’s hand he could feel warmth knowing if her name became as common place it was because of him. His claiming of her, something he needed to take into consideration and think about if he could get past this moment. It would be wrong for him to claim her when there was a chance he’d be in jail. Cream’s skill didn’t guarantee him anything beyond a capable lawyer sitting shotgun.

“I hear there is a plea agreement on the table,” the judge said, looking over her half glasses at Mr. Anderson who stood once it was mentioned.

“Partial,” he stated. “The defendant hasn’t given the authorities the location of the minor child.”

A hard sob from Sassy in the gallery made his blood boil and he had to remember Turbo’s whispers. The woman didn’t deserve to breathe the same air as his daughter for what she put her through. How many years? Had it been from the start? No chance, he would have noticed, Mitch must have eaten away at what little self esteem the woman possessed. Putting her in her place with negging like the other INCELS. A trick that only worked on weak women after they felt trapped. How trapped could the woman have believed she was? He was there, at least he believed he was. Even with deployments he would bust his ass and made his way north if she ever called with an emergency.

“Is that true Ms. Morrison-Castle?” Judge Yang questioned.

“You can call me Ms. Castle for informal proceedings.”

“Ms. Castle does your client know where the minor child is?” she asked.

“At this time we would like to present evidence amicus curiae in camera,” Cream said as she stood. “We do have ample proof the minor child is being cared for, due to extenuating circumstances we are not comfortable with the chance of her being brought back to her mother’s care.”

“She’s my child,” Sassy cried and Mr. Anderson turned to Sassy’s lawyer to get her to calm down.

“Ms. Everett, I understand you are upset, but the next outburst in my courtroom will earn you contempt charges,” Judge Yang warned. “Now, if we are going to listen to this amicus evidence I am assuming it will help satisfy the issue of custody and the safety of the minor child.”
