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Drew turned around, his mouth grim. “Uncle Malcolm is pissed. But his partner, Hendrick Hill, is the real problem. Hendrick wants me out as CEO on moral grounds. My uncle owns forty percent of the controlling shares, Hendrick has forty, and the other twenty percent are controlled by the rest of the board. With those pictures, Hendrick will be able to persuade over half of them that I’m a liability. And I’ll be fired.”

“Oh,” Jenna murmured, dismayed. “That’s terrible. I mean, I’m sure you’ll be fine eventually. You’re a brilliant architect. Nobody questions your talent. But still. It’s awful.”

“It is, particularly since those pictures were staged,” Ava told her. “He was set up.”

Drew made a pained sound. “Ava, do we have to go into the gory details?”

“She needs to know the situation. Be clear. You were lured into that place on false pretenses and ambushed. Those girls jumped on you and posed you for those photographs. We don’t know who organized it, but they’ve gone to a lot of trouble to mess with you, and their plan seems to be working. That’s where you come in, Jenna.”

“Me?” Jenna looked from Ava to Drew, confused. “How me?”

“Well...we were just thinking—”

“You were thinking, Av,” Drew said. “Own it.”

“Okay, fine. I, Ava Maddox, was thinking, because I am a freaking genius, that a whirlwind engagement would help the optics of the situation. You know, to draw attention away from those pictures. To counter Drew’s soulless playboy image.”

“Whirlwind engagement with...who?” Jenna’s voice trailed off. Heat rushed into her face afresh. “Wait. You can’t possibly mean...”

“Yes, exactly! You! Of course you.” Her friend’s face was bright with enthusiasm. “You’re perfect. Smart. Pretty. Respected in your field. You’re out there walking the walk, helping people in ways that are concrete and personal. Your social cred would help Drew right now. Plus, Hendrick’s a sucker for a romantic story. Uncle Malcolm once told me that Hendrick was quite the naughty bad boy himself, back before he met Bev. He shaped right up when he snagged her. Hendrick and Bev are the real challenge, but I think you could charm them into submission if we moved fast, with assurance. You know, if you guys act as if this were an absolutely done deal, and had been for a while.”

Jenna could think of absolutely nothing to say. She forced her mouth to close.

“Of course, we’re talking a temporary arrangement,” Ava went on. “Just until the fuss blows over and Hendrick calms down. I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t know for a fact that you’re single at the moment.”

“Right,” she muttered. “No conflicts there at all.” Now the heat in her face was in full flower. The humiliation caused by her ex-fiancé Rupert’s betrayal was still unpleasantly fresh. Being jilted for Rupert’s curvaceous blonde intern had been a nasty blow to her heart and her pride.

“And also, as a bonus... It would not suck to be engaged yourself while that pig-dog Rupert is getting married, right?” Ava pointed out. “Just for a few months.”

“Maybe not,” Jenna said cautiously. “I guess.”

“Be Drew’s arm candy,” Ava urged. “Attend swanky parties, dressed to kill. Make contacts, rub elbows. This place is crawling with people who have more money than they know how to spend. Teach them to spend it on your research. It’s a win-win for everyone. This romance is going to be the magic touch that will shoot the profile of Arm’s Reach up into the stratosphere. More than any of my other efforts so far. Brilliant though they are.”

Jenna shook her head. “I’m honored to be asked, but I don’t think it will work.”

“I’d understand if you didn’t want your organization associated with this mess,” Drew said, gesturing at the pile of tabloids.

“Oh, no,” she said hastily. “That’s not what I’m saying. Um... The thing is, I just don’t think that it would be, you know. Believable. Him and me.”

“Why not?” Ava asked. “You two would look adorable together. You’ll be the ultimate power couple. Each with his or her own personal superpower.”

“Av, get real!” she blurted. “I’m not his type!”

“Type?” Drew frowned at her. “What the hell? What type is that? I don’t have a type.”

“You are your own individual type, Jenn,” Ava soothed. “You’re utterly unique. Come on. What do you think? Will you give it a shot? For me?”

“Ah...” Jenna’s voice trailed off. “I don’t think this makes sense.”

“Back off,” Drew said sternly to Ava. “You’re bulldozing.”

“Of course I am!” Ava protested. “Because I’m right! It would be beneficial to both of you. My spin-doctor instincts are right on the money, every time.”

Drew pulled a chair up and sat down near her. So close, she could smell his cologne. A deep, piney, spicy, musky whiff of masculine yum, overwhelming her senses as he gazed searchingly into her face.

He glanced back at Ava. “You really think it will be worth her while? Taking on my bad reputation?”

“Once I get to work on this story? You better believe it’ll be worth it.” Ava’s voice rang with utter conviction. “It’ll send her profile through the roof.”
