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Jenna spun around, horrified. “Drew?”

Drew studied that son of a bitch looming over Jenna through a haze of red. His hands clenched. “What are you doing up here alone with this loser?”

“He wanted a word with me,” Jenna said tartly. “And I didn’t want to have an audience for this conversation. I’m tired of my life being public performance art.”

Rupert shrank back as Drew strode over to stand behind Jenna, giving the man a stare that was calculated to make him squirm and sweat.

“Would you excuse us, Jenna?” he said. “I’d like to talk to this guy in private.”

Rupert was now edging along the wall toward the door. Good. Be afraid, jerkwad.

“Why?” Jenna demanded. “You have nothing to say to him.”

“I have plenty to say to a guy who’s trying to move in on my fiancée.” Drew kept his eyes fixed on the guy, tracking his every move. Rupert’s forehead was getting shiny.

“The answer is no,” Jenna said sharply. “I’m not going anywhere while you have that look on your face.”

Rupert was almost at the door, still sliding along with his back to the wallpaper. “Come with me, Jenna!” he begged, holding out his hand to her as if to a drowning person. “We belong together! You deserve better than a...a degenerate playboy!”

Jenna sighed heavily. “Rupert, go. And I mean, right now. Leave the building.”

“You had your chance, and you blew it.” Drew’s voice was low and menacing. “Stay the hell away from her. Or I will destroy you.”

Rupert stumbled out the door and disappeared.

After a moment’s stunned silence, Jenna turned to Drew, her eyes bright with outrage. “You’ll destroy him? Did I really hear you say that?”

“I meant every word,” Drew said. “That son of a bitch was making a move on you. Am I supposed to pretend I don’t notice?”

“No!” she said sharply. “You’re supposed to actually not notice! Rupert doesn’t count! He’s not your rival, he’s just a silly, self-involved jerk. Nothing he says should be taken seriously!”

It took Drew a moment to work up the nerve to say it. “What about me?” he asked. “Do you take me seriously?”

Jenna looked startled at the question. She gazed at him for a moment.

“Yes,” she said finally. “I do, absolutely. There is no comparison between you and him.”

A sigh of relief came out of him. “So you don’t still have feelings for him?”

She let out an incredulous laugh. “For Rupert? Oh, God, no. You were jealous?”

“Yes,” he admitted. “I wanted to kill the guy.”

“Oh, please. I never did have feelings for him, not really. I just convinced myself that I did, because I had nothing to compare it to.”

“Meaning that now you do?”

Her face flushed. “Well, yes. As I’m sure you can guess.”

“I could guess,” he said. “But I don’t want to. Not anymore. Spell it out for me.”

Jenna let out a long, shaky breath. “I never felt for him what I feel for you.”

He just kept on waiting. “So far, so good, but I’m still in suspense. What do you feel for me?”

She let out a shaky laugh. “Wow, you’re relentless tonight.”
