Page 103 of Mountain Road

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“Yes. Alex, that’s Amber and Angus’s son, had them. I slept at their house a few nights a week when he went through that phase. It was truly horrible.” I sighed. “I have to tell you something, too.”

“What is it?” He looked concerned.

“I cannot stand the sound of Dolly’s voice,” I whispered.

His eyes widened momentarily and then he laughed and grabbed me.

“I’m serious,” I continued. “If I hear her say ‘look at me’ one more time, I’m going to poke my own eyes out with a screwdriver, just so I don’t have to comply.”

Rolling on top of me, his hips pressed me into the mattress. “You’re never going to buy her sparkles again.”

“On the contrary, I’m going to the Disney store to buy her princess dresses. There will be a plethora of sparkles.”

“She’ll never shut up,” he teased.

“I know.” I smiled at the thought. “And now you’re telling me that she’s going to be screaming, at the top of her little lungs, in the middle of the night?”

“Yeah,” he admitted with a small frown. “It’s really bad. The first night it happened, I was in her room ready to fight somebody before I’d fully opened my eyes. Hope warned me.” He paused and shuddered.

I finished his sentence. “But there is no warning that can prepare you for that level of terror in their voices. Poor Hope.”

He chuckled. “She said she near pissed herself the first time it happened.”

“She’s incredibly funny. I can see why you guys are best friends.” I smiled into his eyes.

“Mm,” he agreed, brushing the backs of his fingers against my cheek. “Are you going to be okay with it?”

“Yes, darling. This is not my first rodeo.”

He grinned. “You going to saddle up?”

“Actually, I thought I’d practice my roping skills. Well, my knot-tying skills.”

Sparks ignited behind his eyes. “Now this sounds interesting. I’m all for supporting skills development. How can I help?”

I slid out from under him and retrieved the silk scarves I’d packed in my bag and brought them over to the bed.

“You seem to be under the misguided impression that I don’t want your cock in my mouth.”

He groaned and threw his forearm over his eyes. “Damn, Minty. Your mouth kills me.”

“Well, darling, let’s see what you think of my mouth in about twenty minutes.”

He swallowed and peeked at me from under his arm. “You’re not going to do anything you don’t want to?”

“Lucky,” I looked at him seriously. “I want to.” I slid a scarf through my fingers. “Just to prove it to you that you’re not pushing for this, I’ll tie your wrists to your headboard. You okay with that?”

His eyebrows went up. “I’ve, uh, never done that before.”

“Really?” I flicked open the button of his jeans and drew the fly down before easing his jeans and his boxers off. “In all your adventures you’ve never been tied up?”

“One-night stands don’t tend to get too adventurous,” he admitted, his voice hoarse.

I trailed my fingers up the insides of his thighs, around to the outside of his hips, then up over his ribs under his shirt.

He ab-crunched and reached back to yank his shirt off over his head. He dropped it on the floor, wrapped his arms around my back and pulled me on top of him. His wary eyes bore into mine.

I rolled my pelvis against his erection.
