Page 147 of Mountain Road

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“It’s okay,” I assured him.

He looked at me intently. “I’m not sure what to do,” he murmured. “I don’t want to tell you what to do as if I know better, but I’m worried this will be too much for you.”

“You won’t be gone for that long. I’ll probably just keep her downstairs on the couch with me until you get home.”

“I’ll text you Ava’s number. You want me to call her?”

“No. I’ll call if I have to.”

I didn’t want the questions. Already, I saw them in Barrett’s eyes, though he was never one to judge. I didn’t want to expose my shameful underbelly to the one person in Lucky’s family who was the most reserved toward me.

I gave Brayleigh her medicine while Lucky grabbed his wallet and keys.

He knocked briskly on the door frame, drawing my attention. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“Okay, darling.”

He walked out the door.

And Brayleigh began to cry.

Chapter Forty-Four - Sticky


Brayleigh cried inconsolably for both Lucky and Hope. I tried popsicles, I tried taking her out in the backyard, I tried putting music on, her favorite tv shows, I even pulled out my stash of costume jewelry. Nothing could ease her.

You’re not cut out for this.

After two hours, Lucky texted to check in. I was honest, said she was upset and told him what I’d done to try to soothe her.

“Give her a bottle,” he suggested. “She’s probably hungry and there’s no chance she’ll eat right now.”

You should have thought of that.

Truthfully, she hadn’t eaten well all day. I grabbed her a bottle of milk, put on her favorite tv show and she finally curled up on my lap and settled.

I breathed a deep sigh of relief. We would get through this. Chances were good she’d go to sleep on the couch, and I could just sit beside her and read until Lucky got home.

The bottle drained, she continued to suck away at the teat as she drifted off to sleep. Her rosebud mouth lax, the bottle slipped away. I gently rolled her over onto the couch, uncovering the wet spot she left on my dress. Her diaper was soaked. It needed to be changed.

You want to touch her.

I swallowed hard. There was no point in waking her to change her diaper.

She’s going to get a rash. You can’t even meet her basic needs.

She needed sleep more than anything right now.

I covered her with a blanket while my mind continued to spin.

My cell buzzed and I picked it up. “Hello, darling. How is it going?”

“Hi, baby. They’re bringing in a specialist to have a quick look before they close it up.”

“That’s good, darling. Better to be safe than sorry.” My life’s motto.

“You doing okay?”
