Page 42 of Mountain Road

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Sitting forward on his bike, straddling the seat, my hands on the handles as he drove into me from behind, one hand wrapped around my ponytail, the other at my waist.

A delicious heat sparked to life in my belly at the picture in my mind, but I drew back slightly, needing physical space where in my mind there was none.

He turned off the ignition, momentarily silencing the rumbling beast beneath me.

“I need you to get close and hang on tight. Mold your body to mine,” he instructed.

“This is just a play to get my thighs wrapped around you,” I accused him with a nervous laugh.

“It’s fucking genius,” he replied, then grasped me behind my knees and hauled me closer, every inch of the inside of my thighs aligned along the outside of his, my breasts plastered against his back. Unfurling my fists from his shirt, he pulled my hands around his flat stomach.

I itched to explore the ridges beneath my fingertips. My fingertips twitched and flexed into his abdomen.

He patted my hands firmly. “Keep them there. No exploring,” he directed, then laughed. “You won’t hear that from me again.” He twisted his neck to peer at me over his shoulder and his deep, raspy voice was quiet. “Alright?”

Alright? Good Lord. I wasn’t sure. Plastered against him, I was both too close and not nearly close enough. Thank goodness we both had these round alien heads attached to hide my face.

I nodded briskly. “Mm-hm.”

He chuckled as he patted the outside of my thigh, leaned forward, and brought the beast to life.

My senses exploded. Spread open around him, the motor rumbling beneath me, his body close, muscles clenching and bunching as he maneuvered us down the driveway and out onto the street, his attention focused forward, adrenalin pumping through my veins from the threat of the bike, maybe also the threat of the man, and suddenly I was caught in the vortex of fight or flight or cleave, and I desperately wanted to cleave unto him.

He patted my hands. “Here we go.”

The thrum of power, a burst of speed, my heart pounding in my breast, my brain devoid of everything but the man between my thighs and the thrill of our dual flight through space.

The world whirled past, delivering a mix of disappointment and relief each time we rolled to a stop.

“You doing okay?” he shouted over the sound of the engine. “Want to keep going?”

“Yes, definitely,” I hollered back and felt his chuckle coming from his gut. I squeezed him tight, excitement quivering in my chest.

He dropped his hand to my thigh and gave me a squeeze before flicking on his indicator.

A few quick turns brought us to the edge of the city and the long, uninterrupted expanse of rural roads that ran between Milltown and the nearby village of Bridgewater. We picked up speed and my heart settled into a steady rhythm. My head emptied and my body aligned itself to his as he steered us over hills and around soft curves, the countryside fading to a blur. I closed my eyes and filled my lungs with air.

The whip of the breeze gentled as he rolled us to a stop at the side of the road and brought the beast to rest. Buffered by open fields on either side, the air ripe with the sweet sounds of the earth, we found ourselves a world away in only fifteen minutes.

He pulled off his helmet and ran his hand over his shaggy hair while I fiddled with the strap of mine.

Twisting around, he reached for my hands. “I’ll help you,” he murmured, carefully and expertly removing my tight helmet.

I smoothed my hands over my hair and turned my face up to the sun, not yet ready to speak.

“You liked it,” he confirmed, watching me over his shoulder.

I met his eyes, feeling both sleepy and alive. I didn’t even put my feet down onto the ground, relying on him to keep us upright. Was this what it was to feel calm? Was this happiness? Freedom?

“I loved it,” I confessed. “Surprisingly.”

“Why surprisingly?”

“I like to be in control. More than that, I hate feeling out of control.”

My comment was ripe for innuendo, but he didn’t bite, instead taking my words at face value, his mouth tilting upwards with genuine happiness.

“We’ll ride for another ten minutes then head back?” he asked.

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