Page 69 of Mountain Road

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My heart galloped once.


I forced myself to relax and smiled.

“That’s a story for another time.”

After breakfast, we parted ways, him to meet Hope to take Brayleigh, and me to the craft fair.

“Will you, uh, be spending time with Hope?”

His gaze sharpened on my face. “Probably for a little while. Minty…”

I waved him away. “Well, say ‘hi’ for me and I’ll maybe see you later, okay?”

For me to be jealous of Hope made no sense. If anyone was the interloper here, it was me.

“Sure,” he responded easily. “I’ll say hi for you. After all, I need to tell her my new status as your hot man-candy, right?”

I huffed out a laugh. “Captain. Captain Cock.”

He grinned. “If I tell her that, she’ll puke. She might even punch me.” His face twisted with disgust. “Or she could tell me about her own sexual exploits, and I just can’t.”

“It bothers you?”

“Yes! In the same way it would bother me if my sister, any of them, told me any of that stuff.”

“You’re sure it’s not jealousy? I don’t want to be in the way of something good for you.” My stomach clenched.

“Minty,” he warned. “You know how I would feel if you told me something about one of your sexual exploits?” His mouth twisted into a snarl. “Enraged.” Grasping me firmly by my shoulders, he pulled me around to face him. “I can’t talk about this. Suffice it to say that my feelings for you are nowhere near sisterly.” He turned his face away. “Fuck. Tell me you’re a virgin,” he laughed, pained.

“Now, now, Captain,” I teased. “You know I’m not. I can still feel you from last night.”

“That’s your own fault,” he retorted. “Lucky, fuck me harder. Please, Lucky. I need your massive cock, Lucky,” he teased in a falsetto voice, earning himself a smack and my laughter.

One hand curved around my hip to press against the small of my back while his other wrapped around the front of my throat, his index finger and thumb pushing the hinge of my jaw, tipping my face up.

His eyes crinkled with laughter. “I’ll see you at my place around five. We’ll cook and watch a movie and play with Brayleigh. If your pussy has recovered from my ginormous love rocket by then, I’ll do my best to put you out of commission until at least Wednesday.”

His words, by turns warming my heart and tickling my funny bone, stayed with me throughout the long, hot day. I couldn’t wait to get back to him.

By the time I walked off the lot where the craft fair was held, I’d sold another fourteen commissions. At this rate, I wasn’t going to make it through the season.

I supposed it wouldn’t be a bad thing. I could take a couple of weekends off, give my table to Bex and Willa if they wanted it for the day. Even if they didn’t, it didn’t mean I had to do it.

That’s wasteful.

So, better that I make myself stressed and exhausted?

You’re wasting. Someone else would have loved to have that table. You’re taking someone else’s spot. That’s inconsiderate.

Taking a deep breath, I smiled and packed all my paraphernalia into the back of my car and headed to Lucky’s.

I heard Brayleigh long before I saw her.

Every few seconds, she screamed, a godawful blood-curdling sound that frayed my nerves, accompanied by raucous laughter. What the hell was going on?

I knocked on the door, fully knowing there was no way Lucky would hear it, then let myself in.
