Page 74 of Mountain Road

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I pushed against his chest. “I’m okay.”

“You will be,” he replied, carrying me down to my bedroom.

He lay me on my bed where I stared up warily at his drawn face. Sighing, he dropped down to sit on the side of the bed.

I sighed, my breath catching. “It’s okay, Lucky.”

“What’s okay?” he asked gruffly.

The sting of tears threatened. “You and Hope. You have something special. It’s good if you recognize that.”

Pulling in a deep breath, he slanted a sideways look at me then shook his head.

“You exasperate me,” he huffed. “You’re right. We do have something special. We always have, and Brayleigh didn’t change that. Or alter it.”

I swallowed my tears. What the hell did he want from me? He could save the long explanation; I didn’t need it.

“Hope and I talked. Rather, Hope talked, and I listened. She told me that no matter who she has dated, none of them could get past her and I being friends.” He picked up the edge of the sheet and covered me with it. “I told her I thought it was ridiculous. She asked me how I’d feel if Barrett or Lenny smacked you on the ass.” He met my eyes.“I saw red.” His mouth quirked up on one side. “I couldn’t see it as a problem because I truly have no romantic feelings toward that girl.”

“Would you smack your sister on the ass?” I challenged quietly.

“Yes.” He nodded emphatically. “I would. I have. I do. And they do the same. We’re a butt-smacking kind of family,” he joked softly.

“She’s not your sister,” I whispered.

His mouth tightened. “I get that. She gets that. Hope and I are going to make some changes. There’s never been anyone else’s feelings to consider before you. But to me, Hope is just like my sister. Can you get that?”

I nodded slowly, painfully aware of the abyss that awaited me if I ventured deeper.

He released his breath. “Okay. That’s good. Do you get that I do not see you in remotely the same way?”

I looked down. Agreeing to this seemed to be stepping back into the ring I’d just been knocked out of.

“Minty?” he prodded.

I nodded.

He leaned forward and pressed his forehead to mine. “No more butt smacking. I’ll treat her the way I’d want Barrett and Lenny to treat you. But baby…she is my best friend. I don’t want to lose her. I will if it means the trade-off is keeping you, but I’m begging you not to ask it of me.”

The tears I’d successfully held back up until that point, released with a sob.

Bending over me, he pulled me into his arms and lay down beside me. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m so sorry. I would never hurt you. Never.”

He rocked me against him while I cried, his head bent over mine, his arms tight.

How did I fall so far so fast? And how would I ever climb back out? “Oh my gosh,” I moaned. “I’ll pull it together. I’m sorry.”

“You have nothing to be sorry about. But, Minty, I’ve never done this relationship thing before. I don’t want to be worrying that you’re going to walk away every time I fuck up.”

I nodded. “I know. I get it. It’s not fair. I’m sorry.”

He scoffed. “Enough with the sorrys. We’re okay.” He paused. “We are okay, aren’t we?”

I nodded against his chest. “Yes. We’re okay.” I drew in a shuddering breath. “I’ll apologize to Hope.”

“You don’t owe Hope an apology. She knows that. She pointed it out. Don’t be surprised if she apologizes to you.”

“Not really looking forward to seeing her to be honest.” He went still. “I’d never give you that ultimatum, Lucky. Don’t worry about that. I just need a bit of space between her and me right now.”
