Page 91 of Mountain Road

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I was safe. I was a safe person.

But the thoughts alone had the power to shatter me.

I didn’t make accommodations to keep the boys safe from me, I made accommodations to keep myself safe from the thoughts.

Perhaps it was time to overcome that as well.

I opened my eyes, relaxed my fingers, and placed my hand on Lucky’s hard thigh. “Okay, darling. Give me the run-through of all the names one more time.”

By the time we arrived, I’d made him go through them twice and felt reasonably confident I wouldn’t make a complete fool of myself.

“Is your family quiet or boisterous?” I’d never thought to ask that question. “Is this likely to resemble a barbecue with Willa and Junie and everybody?”

Lucky smiled ruefully. “It’s definitely on the boisterous side.”

“Well, that’s good. Makes for easier conversation,” I breathed a sigh of relief.

“True!” Lucky perked up. “You’ll be lucky to get a word in edgewise.”

Foodwise, I was prepared. One of Lucky’s sisters was vegan, and he’d already told me my preferences aligned fairly closely with hers, which quelled that anxiety at least.

“Is Hope coming?” I asked.

He chuckled. “Ten minutes of her craziness and she had you converted.”

I smiled. “Well, she did bring me cookies.”

“She is. And of course, she’s bringing Brayleigh, and we’ll take Brayleigh home with us afterwards.”

“Excellent.” I sat a little taller in my seat, knowing there were at least two other people there I knew, even if one was a toddler. “How old is your oldest sister?”


“Are they going to think it’s weird that you’re dating me? I’m older that you’re oldest sister. Do you know that?”

He sent me a look of such exasperation, I laughed out loud.

“I’m not even going to answer that question,” he growled as he pulled the car to a stop at the curb.

I swung my legs out of the car, then spoke over my shoulder, my voice pitched low. “Don’t growl. It makes me wet and you’re not in any position to do anything about it.”

“Oh, so it’s going to be like that, is it? Tease and run? Alright, baby. Game on.” He grinned at me, wagging his eyebrows.

I gave him a slow once over, beginning at his feet, pausing at his groin, licking my lips at his shoulders, and finishing with fuck-me-eyes.

His eyes lit with interest, his entire body swaying in my direction.

I smirked. “Amateur.”

He laughed, caught me around the waist and plastered my body to his. “Don’t push me,” he warned. “I’ll haul your ass into the nearest bathroom and have my way with you.”

“Hi, Uncle Lucky!”

I froze and tried to pull away, but Lucky wrapped me up tighter and turned us towards the owner of the voice.

“It’s mine,” he shouted. “You can’t have it!”

A boy about Jace and Alex’s age laughed while his counterpart, a girl slightly younger, insisted, “We just want to look at her!”
