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“I just wanted tae ken how Mira was farin’,” he said.

“She is well. Resting in Westmarch,” Ivy reported, and a sly smile crept across her face. “And she is very much looking forward to seeing you again.”

“Is she now?” Hollis asked, that awkward grin spreading wider as he straightened up and stood taller.

“She is, indeed,” Ivy said. “She called you an uncommon gentleman, I believe it was. She seems to have grown quite fond of you.”

“Aye. And I her.”

Fin and Ivy shared a laugh together, and Hollis could not have looked happier. Henry clapped him on the shoulder as they walked off together, talking and laughing with one another. Apparently, the heat of battle had bonded them as fast friends. Col gave Fin a nod and strode away to gather his own men, giving him a few minutes alone with Ivy. He took her hands and looked into her eyes. She looked him up and down, and he saw the concern in her face as her gaze lingered on his assortment of wounds.

“Tis nothin,” he said. “I’m right as rain.”

“I have never seen rain bleed so much.”

He shrugged. “Scratches.”

“Yes, well, be that as it may, when we are done with this, I demand that you see the physician,” she ordered. “And once he has you patched up, I demand that you bed me.”

Fin laughed but felt a flush of warmth and love flow through him swift as any river and deeper than any ocean in the world.

“I sort of like havin’ ye in charge of things,” he laughed.

“I kind of like being in charge.”

They stood together for several long moments, neither of them seeming to want to move and break the spell that had them wrapped up tightly. The love that flowed between them was palpable, and Fin wanted to remain there, at that moment forever. But Col’s voice calling for the men to rally and march cut through their bubble, and reality intruded once more.

“To Elix?” he asked.

“To home,” she replied. “Our home.”

Fin smiled. “I like the sound of that.”

“I hope it is something you can get used to.”

“As long as ye’re there, I could get used tae livin’ under a tree,” he said. “Wherever ye are, that’s home tae me.”

Ivy’s eyes filled with tears, and she pressed her mouth to his. Their kiss was short, but the love and emotion she put into it lingered on Fin’s lips as her eyes burned deep into him, imprinting themselves upon his very soul.

He truly did not care where they went or where they lived. So long as Ivy was with him, he knew he would always be happy. She was all that mattered to him and all that he wanted in the world.

“I love you, Finlay Begbie.”

“And I love ye, Baroness Welton.”
