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Chapter Fifteen

After their walk, Charlotte and Elizabeth returned to the Fort and decided to engage in a game of cards. Elizabeth had shown a slight hesitation to which Charlotte asked, “Do you not know how to play whist?”

Elizabeth shook her head. “I’m afraid not. I am useless at balls and social gatherings. I find the stress of having to talk to so many people at once overwhelming, and so I never learned.”

Charlotte smiled, taking the pack of cards in her hand. “Well, then, dear Elizabeth, I shall teach you. It is just you and me, you see?”

They were in a private parlor, which was not very decorated, but it was good enough for their use. The door was open, and both of them could see soldiers moving around outside. Charlotte pointed towards them and whispered, “One day, we could ask a few of the rather more outgoing soldiers to play, such as Lieutenant Stevens, and then I will also teach you how to speak to others. It is a game better served with four players, but two players are fine for learning. What do you think?”

Charlotte shuffled the cards and began to pass them out to each of them, waiting for Elizabeth’s reply. Elizabeth blushed deeply and said, “Oh, I do not think so. My father would consider it most indecorous of a young lady to do so. Playing cards with men. And the four of us unmarried.”

Charlotte leaned forward. “Well, we shall not tell him, then shall we? Let’s begin.” She gave Elizabeth a quick list of rules, and Elizabeth nodded along, her lips pursed in thought as she digested Charlotte’s instructions. They began to play a round, and Elizabeth grew more and more confident the longer they played.

“Are you enjoying it, Elizabeth?” Charlotte asked, pleased with the success of her new friend.

Elizabeth nodded but did not look up. “I like it better when I win the trick, though.”

Charlotte laughed. “Well, yes, I suppose that would make it more interesting. But, you should see how fun it is with others playing. There are many tips I could give you to help your success.”

Elizabeth smiled. “Well then, I could maybe be convinced.”

“I did not realize you could be so competitive,” Charlotte replied.

“I didn’t know I was either! There’s something about this game that is bringing it out in me.” Elizabeth laughed, and Charlotte was excited. The temptation to make Elizabeth her sort of project was all too strong. They continued to play, and Charlotte decided to broach the subject of Liam.

“Elizabeth, did you find Mr. Liam, the man from today, handsome?” Her voice was light and casual, and she placed a card in the center as she spoke, but then slowly glanced up at her friend.

Elizabeth paused and then looked up, a slight flush coloring her cheeks. “I was afraid that you might ask me that. I did show myself to be rather a fool, didn’t I?” Elizabeth looked slightly pained. “Yes, I found him to be one of the most handsome men I’ve ever seen. I was struck dumb. He was mesmerizing. But, I’m certain he must think me a ninny. I couldn’t think of anything to say.”

Charlotte replied, satisfied that her theory had been correct. “No, Elizabeth, you were perfectly charming. Liam MacLean is rather a handsome man.” She thought about it for a moment. Yes, he was most definitely handsome and very well-liked in the clan. But nothing he had ever said or done had stirred her blood or made her ache in places that brought a blush to her cheeks. But apparently, he did with Elizabeth. “I’m sure we will see him again from time to time. He is often here, hunting and the like.” Charlotte attempted to appear casual so as not to scare her skittish friend from meeting with him again. She would have to speak to Liam.

“Will we?” Elizabeth asked, her hand poised over the card pile as she made a move. Her voice was so innocent and eager that Charlotte wished she could kiss her. Elizabeth coughed to cover her embarrassment. “Oh, do forgive me. I’m afraid I am all aflutter. I do not know how to behave when such topics are discussed. My father would say it isn’t right for women to ogle men like items in a market.”

Charlotte furrowed her brow. Well, your father can keep his large mouth shut.No wonder his daughter is a trembling mess of a woman, despite her intellect, beauty, and kindness.

“Like I said, Elizabeth, I would be happy to be your teacher. Balls and social settings are my forte, as the French say, and young men are easily spoken to if you know the right tricks.” Charlotte winked at her new friend, and Elizabeth nodded. She pushed another stray piece of red hair behind her ear.

“Yes, I think I would very much like that. But please, say you will not tell my father. He would not let us spend time together, and that would make me most unhappy.”

Charlotte tapped a finger to her lips. “You can depend upon my silence, my friend. We women must stick together in this fortress overrun with men. I do hope you will not tell him about our clandestine meeting with a certain handsome Scotsman?”

Elizabeth blushed again and shook her head furiously.

“Excellent. Now, about your spectacles…”

* * *

Angus woke up, and it felt like a sword had sliced his head in two. The room around him was still blurry, and he felt clammy and warm. He had no concept of what time it was or how he had gotten there. He heard a calming voice next to him say, “All will be well, Angus.”

He reached towards the voice and said hopefully, “Charlotte?”

A small but coarse hand took his in it and said, “Nae, lad, but perhaps we should send for her. This is Mrs. MacLean. Ye’ve had a fall.”

Angus groaned. He remembered it now. He had been feeling sick, and then he was put off-balance somehow. Suddenly, he remembered that he had forgotten the sacks. “The vegetables!” he tried to sit up, but Mrs. MacLean gently pushed against his shoulders until he laid down again. “They must be distributed! David!” he cried out weakly.

Mrs. MacLean shushed him and said, “All is well. We have taken care of it for ye. The patients have all been given their share along with instructions, lad.”

Angus sighed and laid back once again, a feeling of relief, giving him some respite from the ache and heat that roamed across every muscle.
