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“One of us? You think that we should separate?”

Charlotte tapped a finger to her lips. “Yes, in order to decrease suspicion.”

“Are you certain that I should even accompany you?” Elizabeth looked pained. “My father would be furious if he knew.”

“But he won’t! The soldiers would never think to question your actions as daughter of the Earl. If they tell your father, you could certainly get out of it somehow, saying that they weren’t watching you closely enough, and that’s why they didn’t notice that you’d gone out for a walk. Or that you got lost. Perhaps, returning later in the afternoon would be best. I shall play the ill one, and you can be the one who took her leave and wrote her letters for a few hours until she got so bored that she had to walk outside.”

Elizabeth scrunched up her nose. “I don’t know, Charlotte…”

Charlotte knelt before her, her hands folded in supplication. “Please, Elizabeth. I know this sounds ridiculous, and that we have only known each other for a couple of days, but please do me this service. You do not have to come if you do not wish it, but I must go. There is something, someone that I must see. I have something to resolve, and I cannot resolve it if I remain here. And, this may be my only chance to go, seeing as our fathers have left us for a time. This will be my only chance to see this someone.”

Elizabeth’s face was etched in concern, and she clasped onto Charlotte’s hands. “My friend, who is it?”

Charlotte sat back up and looked down at her lap. “It is a man, the one who is acting as laird while his brother is away. It is rather a long story, but I left abruptly and left him with work that I was meant to do. I said many harsh words to him, and I feel that I must fix it. I have to see him again.” At the end of her speech, Charlotte could feel her voice faltering. Ugh, was she to cry again? What was happening to the stern resolve she used to pride herself on?

Elizabeth was silent for a moment then said, “Then, I shall be your support.” Charlotte looked up and smiled.

“I read about all different kinds of people going through difficulties, and here I am, in real life, able to help someone.” She smiled. “And I’ve read enough to know that you’re in love with this man, whoever he may be.”

Charlotte was struck by her words. “In love? No, certainly not,” she said, but her voice was weak, and she looked around, feeling the room heat up as a blush covered her cheeks. “I could never fall in love with a man like him. I just feel that I owe it to him to apologize.”

Elizabeth grinned. “I have no desire to make you uncomfortable, Charlotte. I merely state my opinion, of course. Come. Let us go and make our plans. But you will have to help me with my words when I arrive. Remember, I was a fearful little mouse when you first met me.” Charlotte stood and held her arm out to Elizabeth, grateful that the topic of love was at an end. She could feel her heart calling out to her, telling her that she really was in love, but she couldn’t let it be known, not just to anyone but also to herself. She wouldn’t say the words, or else her perfectly planned world would fall apart.

“Well, I think that I will be able to help you, Elizabeth, dear, seeing that my plan is to have you meet with Liam MacLean.”

A hand flew to Elizabeth’s chest, and she swallowed, “Oh, really? I’m not certain he will want to see me stand open-mouthed and silent once again.”

Charlotte chuckled, “But, my dear friend, he was doing the same to you.”
