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Chapter Twenty-Five

Charlotte rushed to her room and burst into tears as soon as she was safely inside. She threw herself down on the bed. Now she had truly lost everything, for she had seen the anger flashing in Angus’ eyes as he spoke those words to her. It was as if fire was spitting forth out of his mouth. She had ruined everything. Not only had she brought trouble upon the clan by her selfish desire to spend just one more night with him, but she had also lost the admiration and respect of the man she loved with all her heart.

Even though they could never be together, Charlotte wanted him to think of her fondly, just as she would think of him as she went into her next marriage. But now, they would part in anger and resentment. She sat up in her bed as a thought came to her. If he survived long enough to part with.

She had no idea what Lord Darling had in mind for Angus, but she knew it could not be good. There was an evident pleasure in his eyes as he escorted them from the shores of Mull as if he were truly relishing putting a laird’s brother in danger and potentially leaving his clan to ruin. He had also enjoyed attempting to put her in her place. She felt humbled now, and she clasped her arms around herself as she sat up in bed, unsure of what to do next.

A soft knock sounded at the door, and Charlotte trembled out, “Come in.” Elizabeth swept inside, and when Charlotte saw her, she jumped up and brought her into an embrace. “Oh, Elizabeth! All is ruined, and ‘tis I who am to blame!”

Elizabeth wrapped her arms around her friend tightly and tried to calm her. “Dear Charlotte, I am so sorry.” They parted, and Elizabeth sat down in the chair next to the bed. “I had no idea what my father was up to. He bade me leave the room when he and the General were talking.”

Elizabeth paused, and she looked down, ashamed. “I am sorry, Charlotte. I showed them the letter you sent. I know that it was what you wanted, but you do not understand how angry my father became at the sight of it. He was enraged! I tried to defend you, but it was to no avail. It only angered him further. Once I was banished from the room, I stayed behind to listen to them.”

Charlotte’s eyes widened. “So, you know more of what this could all be about?”

“I don’t know. It was a little unclear, but my father seems to think that Angus is guilty of starting plans for a battle between the clans and the British soldiers. I’m assuming my father thinks that he means for them to band together and attack at some unknown time.”

Charlotte nodded, “Yes, Liam mentioned something about that. But that’s ridiculous! Angus has been busy trying to bring his clan back to its former glory, and then he was gravely ill!” Charlotte stood and began to pace, her despair slowly hardening into resolve.

Elizabeth continued, “I know, but he does not know that. And he wouldn’t believe it if he did know. It almost seems like he has a vendetta against the clan for some reason.”

“Oh, if only Calum and Julia would return!” Charlotte bemoaned their loss. “I know that having the true laird present would hold a little more sway against Lord Darling.”

Elizabeth nodded. “Once I heard, I rushed to see if Liam was still by the boats. I assumed ‘twas he who brought me the letter. I was lucky enough to find him, and then I warned him. I hoped it might help somewhat.”

Charlotte turned to see a distressed Elizabeth. She rushed to her side and clasped her hands. “It did, my friend! It was good that we knew so that Angus was not surprised from his bed and seen to be so vulnerable. He had time to assemble the men. You were wise. Now, if only we could think of a plan to free Angus from your father. I had hoped that my full agreement to the marriage would be enough to let him go, but he seems determined.”

Elizabeth frowned. “Yes, my father does seem determined for you to marry. I tried to talk him out of it, but I can say that I’ve never seen my father so angry.” Charlotte looked at Elizabeth with wide eyes before bursting into laughter. It felt good, at least for a moment, to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. Elizabeth joined in.

“Elizabeth! You are changing every day. I never expected you to fight against your father for me! That means you are a true friend and growing into a rather feisty woman!”

Elizabeth blushed under the praise. “It did feel good to fight back. Just this once.” Charlotte smiled and then returned to her gloomy thoughts.

She was pensive for a moment before she asked, “Elizabeth, why did your father come to Fort William? I don’t think I know what his actual purpose is? My father mentioned only that an assistant would be arriving. Do all Scottish forts receive such?”

Elizabeth replied, “No, we only seem to travel if there is some sort of issue at the particular fort. For example, perhaps the men are not training properly, there is a lack of leadership, or the fort has not been sending records of what’s been going on in the area, things like that.”

“Do you remember why your father needed to be sent here? Did he ever tell you?”

Elizabeth shook her head. “No, not directly. He rarely mentions what we will be doing. He is wary of telling me about his work, I think. He would think it a waste on a woman’s mind.” Charlotte could see that Elizabeth’s ire was raised. Good. It would need to be if they were to work together to fight back.

Charlotte was disappointed. She needed to know something about this mysterious earl in order to help Angus. She wasn’t sure what she was looking for, but she had to find it.

Elizabeth suddenly spoke again. “There was something. I don’t know if it’ll help, but he kept muttering under his breath on our way to Scotland. Every time we would pass a clan seat, he would say to himself, ‘I’ll make them pay.’”. Elizabeth shrugged. “But my father is wont to many eccentricities. I have no idea why he should say such a thing or what it could mean for this clan.”

Charlotte tapped her finger to her lips. “It is something, Elizabeth. So he may be seeking revenge, but why?”

Elizabeth perked up. “Oh! I cannot believe I have forgotten this!” She placed a hand on her forehead in surprise. “What a fool I am! I suppose because I have never met the man, it did not register with me as something of note.”

Charlotte was on the edge of her seat. “What? What is it?”

“I have an uncle. My mother always told me he was a cruel, unkind man, and I never met him. I know my father would often see him, and they were very close. He was a General as well, like your father, and I remember hearing that he would often be stationed at different Forts in different areas of the Kingdom. But once, I overheard my father telling one of his friends that my uncle had died only a few months ago. He was very upset.”

Charlotte sat back, her excitement slightly deflated. What could that have to do with anything? “No, I’m not sure that that would mean anything. I haven’t heard of any deaths nearby—” Then she stopped, and her heart began to beat furiously in her chest.

“Elizabeth, what was the name of your uncle?”

“George Whiteman.”
