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Julia took Calum’s arm, and they began to walk in the direction of the shore. “I often think about how Angus found me in my nearly frozen state in that woods just over there.”

Calum tightened his grip on her. “Aye, I think of it too.” His voice changed a little. “I was a broken man, Julia. Ye have brought me back tae life. Ye know that, do ye nae?” He turned to her, his eyes full of admiration and love. Julia sighed with contentment.

“That I do. But you have saved me too, from a life of misery and captivity. I have now been given sweet freedom.”

They walked along the shoreline, discussing the beauty of their land when they saw Liam and a number of the other men arriving in boats, their swords around their belts, and fury in their eyes. Calum glanced at Julia before running towards them. “Liam! What is this? Why have ye come in such numbers and in such a state?” Liam turned with surprise and smiled at Calum briefly.

“Laird! Ye have returned! And my lady!” He turned to Julia and kissed her on the cheek.

“Liam, what is wrong?” Julia asked as she noted the concern on his face. The men began to gather around, greeting Calum and Julia.

Liam began, “There is trouble at the Fort. I am certain of it. A man named Lord Darling, assistant to the general, came this morning tae take Charlotte and Angus from Duart tae the Fort. They mean tae question Angus. They think he is guilty of trying tae start a war!”

“What? That is ridiculous!” Calum yelled, his anger building. “What war do they mean?”

“Aye, I know. I have brought the men. We are here tae fight if need be, laird.” Calum’s fists clenched.

“Have ye a sword for me tae use?”

“Aye, ye may use mine, and I shall find another.”

“Let us go, Liam. Come, Julia, perhaps ye can help talk some sense intae yer uncle.” Julia was pale, thinking about her brother-in-law and what the Lord would also want with her dear cousin. She followed behind the men as the group of Scots stormed towards the British Fort.

* * *

John moved forward another step. Lord Darling didn’t say anything, but he glared at John, and his eyes warned him to stop getting any closer. “Lord Darling, ‘tisn’t true. What ye’ve heard.”

Archibald moved forward, as well, towards his brother and placed a hand on his arm. “Nae brother,” he said.

John pulled away and continued speaking. He spoke swiftly, and Angus could hear the edge of fear in his voice. “Angus MacLean didnae kill yer brother. He is innocent. We only said that so that we could get the land from them. ‘Twas nae for desiring tae kill the man. If ye kill him, then we will have his clan, and every clan kin to him, tae reckon with. We dinnae wish tae see Scottish blood spilled upon an English Fort. ‘Tisn’t right.” He swallowed and continued. Angus wished that he would hurry up and get to his confession.

“’Twas I, Lord Darling. I killed yer brother. He had foiled us Campbells and took advantage of us. I couldnae bear the shame and anger of it. He is dead because of me.” Angus noted the kindness of not telling the Lord how his brother had died, falling backward out of a window. General Andrews looked satisfied, and he began to search for a path to the doorway to call for the men to assist him.

There was a brief, heavy silence after his confession, as everyone digested the information. Shock registered on Elizabeth’s and Lord Darling’s faces. “Don’t move, General!” Lord Darling called out as he noticed a shift in General Andrew’s footsteps. The General paused. Then Angus felt the bayonet tip on his neck slide forward, away from him. So the lord would listen, and he would put down his weapon? Angus nearly fell to the floor in relief until he saw that the gun was pointed towards the crowd.

Lord Darling’s voice was low, menacing, and more like the growl of an animal than the tone of a man. “You Scottish bastard! I will see you dead, and your blood will fill the cracks of these flagstones. Your blood will be underneath my feet for what you have done to my kin! Take your punishment like a man and meet your God!” Lord Darling pointed the musket at John Campbell and fired. Time stopped once more in Angus’ mind, and the events unfolded around him as if everyone and everything was moving underwater.

First, the sound filled the stone room and echoed painfully in everyone’s ears. The bright light of the gunpowder made everyone close their eyes. Angus bent over, covering his ears and moving away from the blow. He was too late to try to stop the madman. At that same moment, a body moved in front of John in the way of the bullet, yelling out as it did so. Lord Darling dropped the musket after it had kicked back at him forcefully, and it clanged to the floor.

Then once the smoke cleared from the barrel of the musket, the party was left one member down. Everyone looked in horror at the lifeless body on the floor of the hall of Fort William.
