Page 47 of Until The Moon Ends

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Lex let out a heavy sigh, then turned to face the Alpha. "I have every part I'm supposed to have, thank you very much."

"But this is you, before changing, right?" he asked, motioning to Lex's soft form. "To your people, are you a man or a woman?"

"To my people, I am Lex," he smiled, keeping his annoyance in check, but I could still see it in his eyes. “Sirens are not male, and we are not female. We are what others need us to be."

"You mean what your prey needs to trust you." Joon raised an eyebrow.

"Does it bother you that I think of you as a boy?" I asked, suddenly concerned he might not like it.

"It bothers me that Joon won't stop thinking about my dick," he deadpanned. "But you know, Alpha, if you ever want to see what I can offer you —"

"I'm good," Joon cut him off, returning to the shore to get dressed.

"Are you sure?" Lex teased. "I could put a few Alphas to shame with a little amber wine and some inspiration."

I laughed, scrubbing my hair. I hadn't bathed properly since before the barren lands. And while I did spend the entire time walking through a torrential downpour, I was never clean there. Always covered in a thin layer of sweat and surrounded by fungus. I couldn't help but think that certain unexposed parts of my body might be prone to sprout spores or mold. Thankfully that hadn't been the case.

"I am starving," Lex moaned. "I need to find someone, and soon."

"Do you think that's why you can't change? You need to eat?"

"Maybe," he frowned. "Right now, I'd be willing to settle for a human. I'm going to walk up the river and see if I can snag a fisherman."

"Okay. Happy hunting," I smiled.

I wanted to ask him not to kill anyone that looked nice, but it was a stupid thought. Lex just needed food, and he probably didn't care if it was the Moon Goddess herself walking along the river bank as long as he got his fill.

I made my way out of the water and into the trees to find Joon. He was shirtless, his tan skin and hard muscles on full display, as he scanned the forest.

"See anything good out there?" I asked as I pulled on my shirt and pants.

"I'm just looking," he said, his eyes moving slowly all around us. "It should only take us a few days at most to get to Vaesen, and the land here should be pretty easy on us."

"No blood-thirsty trees on this side of the barren lands?" I smiled.

"None that I know of." He hitched an eyebrow.

Looking over the land, his eyes narrowed, taking in every movement. Even though this part of the journey would be much easier than any other we had encountered so far, he looked alert and ready for anything.

"My senses are going back to normal," he said. "I can smell properly and…." He pressed his lips together, a hint of something exciting in his eyes.

"And?" I asked, intrigued by the smile pulling at the corners of his lips.

"I think I felt my wolf." He turned slightly, giving me that adorable dimple.

"Yeah?!" I squealed, clapping my hands together. "When? Did it only happen once? How long did it last?"

I needed to know everything so I could get my wolf to return. Now that my body wasn't filled with unbearable pain, distracting my every thought, I could feel how truly hollow I was. My instincts were out of whack, and nothing smelled or tasted quite right. I needed my wolf to come home.

"It happened just a few minutes ago," he smiled. He hesitated before speaking again, bringing his hand up to rub the back of his neck and avoiding my eyes. "I felt him when you were...when into the water."

"Oh," I smiled, my heart fluttering. "Was he happy to see me?" I stepped closer and pressed myself gently against Joon's chest, excited that the mere sight of me was enough to pull at the beast within him. His hands settled on my waist, and he gave me a sweet, shy smile. It was not the look of a fierce Alpha but a slightly embarrassed pup. It was adorable.

"I think he was," he laughed, quick and low.

I leaned up onto my toes and kissed his perfect lips. "Maybe we can get him to come out and play," I hummed.

Joon growled low and long, pressing his forehead to mine. "You want me to take you right here, little Omega?" he whispered, his voice dark and sexy.
